living abroad Trying To Speak a Foreign Language Abroad Trying to speak a foreign language in a foreign land is quite a difficult task especially if you do not have any previous preparation or education before a trip for different reasons, work, exchange, tourism, etc.
foreign languages Learning new languages through today's progressive technological advancement Learning a language nowadays is a major challenge if you do not have the necessary tools and sources of information and education, every language nowadays is not impossible to learn but not so easily possible, every language requires a considerably general and dedicated effort.
english Disadvantages of Not Speaking English in South and Central Americas The English language has been considered the most widely used and spoken language around the world. Learning the English language in the Latin American Continent has become a challenge and also an activity related to: "an impossible challenge"
language Why not translate immediately in your native language when translating? Languages are many spontaneous forms of communication that actually require a considerable effort from any person who is not a native speaker or dominant speaker of a foreign language to communicate with other people and thus make known the idea they want to share.
books What are Benefits of Reading Books When Learning a Foreign Language? The importance of reading when we learn a foreign language is quite important since learning a language requires dedication and effort in order to reach a goal or a key point defined as success or completed preparation.
language The Origin of Italian from Latin as a Romance Language The Italian language has a quite diverse history, its history and origins go back to the Vulgar Latin, the Italian is a Romance language like the French, the Portuguese and the Spanish belonging to the Romance family.
language International Languages: Importance and Speed of Spread There are more than 7 thousand languages around the world, so how do you choose the most important language to learn from them?
language Universal English: The Most Important Language Spoken Today English today is a universal language that is almost obligatory at any level, especially at work in different parts of the world since English is fundamental in personal, professional and academic life.
language Learning a Foreign Language Using Self-taught Tools A foreign language welcomes us from many perspectives; it helps open up new job opportunities. We can't always visualize ourselves having a lot of money and investing exorbitant amounts at different levels, courses, or ways to learn languages to communicate.
languages International Linguistic Relations International relations and languages are part of general communication as elements of relatively organized and international competences and struggles between peoples and nations that are destinations that reach footprints and different knowledge such as powers large and small.
Exploring Bangladesh International Mother Language Day and it's History International Mother language day is celebrated every year on 21st February. The primary purpose of the day is to enhance the awareness of languages in the world.
language HSD: The Drug that Allows You to Speak any Language Modafinil or HSD is one of the trendy drugs currently used by students from Latin America and the Western world. The HSD drug stimulates the human brain area specifically by treating conditions such as narcolepsy.
language How To Be More Organized when Learning a New Language People who have studied and learned foreign languages know and can confirm that genuinely learning a foreign language is an intricate work that always requires dedication, effort, and perseverance on the part of the student.
language Habbo Hotel: An Amazing Interactive Online Game to Learn Languages Habbo Hotel is a virtual game and also a vintage /old style online virtual community where you can create and personalize your own avatar-players, make friends online and meet people from different cultures as languages.
language IPA: Universal Useful Alphabet When Learning a Language The main objective of the IPA system has been to promote the scientific study of phonetics in general and to expand the use of the IPA alphabet.IPA are a series of specific signs.Each sign represents a sound that are used for phonetic transcriptions in most languages in the world.
language Romance Languages: What Are They and Why Should You Study Them? Romance languages like Italian and French have a reputation for tempting you and being somewhat seductive but don't really get their name generally because of romantic connotations.All Romance languages derive their meaning from the language of the Roman Empire.
fun Fun Spanish Tongue Twisters to Improve Your Pronunciation When it comes to our language learning, we like to improve and become better one we start studying a language and tongue-twisters are currently really useful ways to get better at any language.
language How to be a Professional Translator Knowing to speak two or more languages does not make you A good Translator at all, then what does?
language Why are our languages different? Out of all the traits differentiate humans from other creatures, languages is probably the strangest.