health Dementia: A Memory Maze Dementia is a collection of symptoms caused by damage to the brain affecting cognitive functions such as memory, problem-solving, language, and personality.
science White Spot Syndrome The White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) causes White Spot Disease (WSD) which has been a major concern for over thirty years. It infects shrimp at various stages of development and leads to a mortality rate of up to 100% within 3–10 days.
science The Immortal Jellyfish The immortal jellyfish is a fascinating organism that can apparently cheat death.
medicine New Drug Called Hydroxychloroquine Used by Trump to Fight Coronavirus Hydroxychloroquine was suggested as a possible prevention or treatment method against coronavirus but insufficient evidence was found to support the effectiveness of this drug.
science World's Most Poisonous Mushrooms Mushrooms are considered nutritious and delicious food. But, some species are poisonous, which can lead to death if ingested.
science Human Head Transplant: Possibilities and Challenges Given access to the right technology, it is possible to transplant the most complex organ of the human body, the head.
biology Do camels really store water in their humps? The camels in called the ship of the desert. Since hundreds of years camels are using as a vehicle to cross the hot sands of the desert. They stay healthy for a long time without food and water to reach their destination by crossing the inaccessible desert.
science Why are Some People Left-Handed? A group of researchers have identified a network of genes that might have connection to the preference of the progress of asymmetry in the body and the brain. And that network of genes relate to handedness in humans.
science Structure and Function of Heart The heart is a triangular-shaped, hollow, muscular organ. It is situated on the left side between the two lungs. It consists of special involuntary muscles.
biology Blood: The Fluid of Life Blood is a connective tissue, and just like any other connective tissue, it is mainly composed of extracellular matrix and cells.
chemistry What Makes Fireflies Tick? Fireflies produce a chemical reaction inside their bodies which lets them light up. This kind of light production is called bioluminescence. There is a thing like a box light on the back of a firefly's body. It contains two types of chemicals: Luciferase and Luciferin.
biology Thank You Little Organisms Our immune system protects us from many pathogens, viruses, and microbes. This process is very brilliant and accurate and worth knowing about.
biology Nucleus: The Heart & Brain of a Cell The word “Nucleus” came out from latin word “Nex-nut” meaning kernel or seed. Nuclei is used to refer to a single form of nucleus. This is the very first organelle to be discovered. The nucleus was discovered by English scientist Robert Brown in 1831.
science How Do Kidneys Work? Kidney is an essential part of body.It helps to expel nitrogenous waste products from the body. It controls blood pressure and retains the water and acid-base balance of the blood.
science Sapiosexual : Are you one of them? Unlike other people who may naturally like someone seeing his or her smartness, voice, color, face etc, a sapiosexual doesn’t deem with these but intelligence. The attraction is not always connected to sexuality, rather it often is.
science Microbial Flora: Virus Viruses are acellular obligate pathogens. They lack most of the cellular components and are entirely dependent on their host for replication.
biology Microbial Flora: Fungi Fungi are unicellular or multicellular heterotrophic organisms. They are important both in terms of their economic and ecological role.
learning The Miracle of Honey: Let's Get To Know Honey Endless healing, gift to bees, natural medicine: honey. It has been used by people for thousands of years and is considered to be a panacea.
science Why mice and rats are typically used for research work? Mice and rats have been used in numerous studies related to diabetes, cancer, AIDS, heart problems, etc. And still many researches are in progress based on rats and mice.
chemistry Glutathione Glutathione is critical for maintaining health, protecting the body from toxins, and promoting longevity.
chemistry How Caffeine Keeps You Awake? Over 150 million bags of coffee are consumed by people a year worldwide. And it’s almost 10 million tons of coffee.
biology Coral Reef The beauty of coral reefs has eluded sea lovers for centuries. But what is so special about coral reefs? Let's find out
science Lactose Intolerance Experts believe that around 75 percent of the world’s population has lactose intolerance. But what is it actually and how does it affect our health?
science Living Light: The Science of Bioluminescence Bioluminescence is the production of light by a living organism. Two chemicals react with each other yielding a high energy compound that releases energy as light to its surroundings.
biology Understanding Cancer Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells. Accumulating lots of modifications in the genome during host lifetime contributes to cancer.