feminism Brief Analysis of Çoğunluk(2010) Film Based On Feminist Theory I am going to analyze the movie calls Çoğunluk (2010) directed by Seren Yüce in terms of feminist theory, there will be intertwined with the movie and the theory while there will not be theory narrative.
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racism Human Body As an Object of Colonisation and Racism: Sociology of Body In this article I am going to discuss the issue of racialized and colonized body from some aspects. The reason why I have chosen this topic to discuss is my
canada Canada Demographic Report: Fertility and Mortality In this paper I will examine Canada in terms of fertility, mortality, migration, population policies; in conclusion I will compare these entire information with Turkey demographic structure.
bookreview Book Review of Street Corner Society: The Social Structure of an Italian Slum Street Corner Society: The Social Structure of An Italian Slum is a book, which is written by William Foote Whyte. In this work, the author examines a society, which lives in Boston. The society is composed of Italians who are migrated to United States of America after the WWII.
architecture The Fascinating Wavy House: Casa Mila by Antoni Gaudi Casa Mila is an eight storey residence built in 1905-1910. It was inspired by the Montserrat Mountain, built at the intersection of two streets.
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honey The Miracle Of Honey 2: Skin Care With Honey With being beneficial for any skin types, it is likely come from future but actually its history date back to thousand years ago, honey is a healing source for skin.
learning The Miracle of Honey: Let's Get To Know Honey Endless healing, gift to bees, natural medicine: honey. It has been used by people for thousands of years and is considered to be a panacea.
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skin Miraculous Healing Clay and Wonderful Mask Recipes For Your Skin! Clay is a miraculous soil that has been used for thousands of years. History of healing clay BC It dates back to 2,500.
India The Vital Facts About The Age Structure Of India According to World life expectancy 2020 data, the population pyramid of India looks like a triangle, but the bottom of the pyramid begins to contract.
India Have you ever thought? Who is in charge for fertility control in India? How in the world does India have so many people?
civilization A Wonderful History Adventure of India: Indus Valley Civilization India has hosted the world's largest and most advanced civilizations. Empires have been established and destroyed in the Indian region much earlier than other regions in the world.
film How To Understand Silent Cinema From One Scene in 'Hugo' In this article, I will review a scene of the movie Hugo (2011) by Martin Scorsese. I will examine this scene, which starts with the guard's pursuit of Hugo in the train station and ends in the clock tower, in comparison with silent cinema.