science Sapiosexual : Are you one of them? Unlike other people who may naturally like someone seeing his or her smartness, voice, color, face etc, a sapiosexual doesn’t deem with these but intelligence. The attraction is not always connected to sexuality, rather it often is.
chemistry Experiment 1 : Determination Of Melting Point Of Organic Compound First question is what is melting point? The temperature range at which a crystalline solid changes into a liquid under an external pressure of one atmosphere is defined as the melting point. A small amount of sample is slowly heated to obtain the melting point.
science Microbial Flora: Virus Viruses are acellular obligate pathogens. They lack most of the cellular components and are entirely dependent on their host for replication.
science The Aurora Borealis Phenomenon The Earth still surprises us with its creativity in creating many, many breathtaking phenomena, such as the aurora borealis with beautiful colors that, despite its beauty, are the results of the Earth’s battle against the solar radiation that would have killed us were it not for this phenomenon
biology Microbial Flora: Fungi Fungi are unicellular or multicellular heterotrophic organisms. They are important both in terms of their economic and ecological role.
chemistry Lactose VS Lactase Lactose and lactase, these words sound pretty similar. Actually, they have many differences structurally and functionally. Their proximity to the sound sometimes leads to confusion according to their words. These two words are usually heard together with lactose intolerance.
science The Sun: A Life Story The sun is what gives the earth life, but what is its mechanism of action, what is its origin, and what is its life’s role?
sleep Sleep Paralysis Sleep paralysis is the moment when your brain is conscious but you are unable to move or talk. It happens when a person passes from one stage to another in sleep between wakefulness and sleep.
history Rise of Electronics The modern history of electronics began with the invention of diodes which later evolved to be an integral part of our daily life.
science Why mice and rats are typically used for research work? Mice and rats have been used in numerous studies related to diabetes, cancer, AIDS, heart problems, etc. And still many researches are in progress based on rats and mice.
medical IR Therapy in Pain Relief Body pain is getting more familiar with elderly people. One of the ways we can treat pain is by using IR therapies. But, how does it work? Let's find out.
medical MRI Principles: Imaging the Body In healthcare industry, MRI plays an important role in disease screening and imaging. But what's the underlying mechanism of MRI? Let's find out.
health Why and How to Reduce High Triglycerides? The excess calories produced by food are converted into triglycerides by the human body and stored in the fat cells as energy. This triglyceride comes out as needed later and meets the energy needs of the body.
Melatonin Melatonin: The Science Of Sleep Melatonin is a hormone found naturally in the body that regulates night and day cycles (or sleep-wake cycles). It is also known as “5-Methoxy-N-Acetyltryptamine” and the chemical formula is “C13H16N2O2”
science How did we discover the age of our universe? Who brought this number? Quite simply, humans were able to determine the age of the universe in two ways.
biology Coral Reef The beauty of coral reefs has eluded sea lovers for centuries. But what is so special about coral reefs? Let's find out
Networking Fiber Optics: How does it work? Fiber optics have changed the world in many ways than you can imagine. It has changed the way we communicate.
science Lactose Intolerance Experts believe that around 75 percent of the world’s population has lactose intolerance. But what is it actually and how does it affect our health?
science Why do onions make you cry & how can you cut onions without tearing up? When an onion is chopped, it produces some irritant chemicals that stimulate the lachrymal glands inside the eyes and cause water to come out
science Living Light: The Science of Bioluminescence Bioluminescence is the production of light by a living organism. Two chemicals react with each other yielding a high energy compound that releases energy as light to its surroundings.
science Aerodynamics in Aviation Aerodynamics allows an aircraft to overcome gravity, and drag, both of which are the resistance an aircraft faces as it moves through the air.
science Viruses are More Dangerous than You Think Virus is a Latin word that literally means 'toxic'. A virus is a type of tiny organic particle or microorganism that can only reproduce inside a living cell.
science Origami: The Art of Science Between Folds Origami is the art of paper folding. Even though it was initially practiced as a form of art, origami has vast applications in modern science and technology.
health Why should you stop drinking water while you are standing up? And most of all, drinking water in this way does not actually quench your thirst.