venezuela Venezuelan Murderer Captured in Caracas After Killing a Puppy In the capital of Venezuela, Caracas, an animal abuser and mistreater was recently caught who was responsible for the death of a blind woman's guard dog who was in an elevator.
India What is the Black Fungus currently spreading in India? It is known that currently in relation to the coronavirus there are thousands of cases of people infected with the black fungus, many patients had recently recovered from the coronavirus and later have developed the black fungus on that basis.
informative Why Do People prefer Telegram? Telegram is an application that for many is an advantage when having to send an instant message and being able to be sure what can be deleted later no matter how much time has passed.
holiday November 1st, All Saints Day This day is identified in Mexico as a day to celebrate the life of those who are no longer alive, such as family, friends and people, also to the ones who have passed away due to Covid-19.
life What is Ephemeral Happiness and Its Contrast with True Happiness Ephemeral happiness is the happiness that many people obtain from material things that in some way or another provide happiness that is not permanent and is considered "ephemeral happiness" because it is fleeting and not long term.
dangerous How Dangerous Can a Wasp Be? Any type of insect, depending on its lineage or appearance, can become "dangerous" in situations where they may feel threatened.