Environment Can Blue Carbon Help Predict Climate Change Early? Blue carbon is the carbon captured and stored by coastal and marine ecosystems which act as significant carbon sinks.
venezuela Venezuela contaminated from the root Venezuela has always been characterized as a country full of natural resources. However, they are not currently exploited like mining, gas, oil and derivatives. With a small accident, it would end up polluting and damaging everything in Venezuela.
architecture How has the Coronavirus affected the future of architecture and forever? Corona has changed many things in our lives and created a new lifestyle for people that is completely different from the previous one and affects the future of human health and the economy, and among the things that also affected it is the architecture and the way of thinking about it.
population Overpopulation Problem Overpopulation cannot be solved if the measure to eradicate illiteracy is not taken. Furthermore, programs should be considered to create awareness among the mass people about the adverse impacts of overpopulation.
Environment Global Warming: It Is Not As Bad As You Think The first is to get rid of the idea that I can't change anything by myself. Of course, we can do anything that we want.
chemistry Role of Chemistry to Prevent The Environmental Pollution It is a matter of great regret that in many cases we have made good progress, but at the same time they are causing a lot of damage to the environment as a result of day after day use.