Gertrude Margaret Lowthian Bell (July 14, 1868 - July 12, 1926) is a British intelligence officer and researcher who worked in Iraq as a consultant to British High Commissioner Percy Cox in the 1920s. She came to Iraq in 1914 and played a very important role in arranging his affairs after the First World War. With her extensive relations, knowledge and experience in Iraq, she was the most important aid to the British High Commissioner in engineering the future of Iraq.

She proposed that a founding council for the Iraqi state be established with the aim of installing Prince Faisal bin Al Hussein as king of Iraq, and it is credited with establishing the Iraqi Museum.

She was an influential figure who participated in the women's councils of society at that time and was critical of the collective speaking style of women, as she was known at the grassroots level and there is a story for her with one of the bandits, Ibn Abdoh, bandit, who was famous in the areas of north Baghdad, at the beginning of the twentieth century, and it happened If he seized the train coming from Baghdad, and met with him "Miss Bell", the well-known English official, who was traveling on the train, and when he knew her, he honored her, treated her with enthusiasm, mediated for him, dropped legal pursuits, and employed him in the state.
She visited the Hail region in Saudi Arabia and reported her observations in her notes.

She had a social salon in her home in Damascus, to which all Syrian politicians flock to.
Early years :-
Gertrude was born in the heart of the era of Queen Alexandrina Victoria, specifically before the El Nino years, Victoria, Britain's most famous queen, continued to rule from 1837 to 1907, and in her era the British Empire expanded. The sun is no longer absent from the British crown. The British lion was in the glow of its youth and its hegemony, and a class of spoiled aristocracy formed that exaggerates every detail of its life. It is the age of pampering, luxury and adornment. Scalable model; From the ritual of drinking tea at five in the afternoon, until the outlook on Victorian era ethics.
The most famous era in the separation of the secret and the public in morality was a conservative behavior in public in exchange for a secret life in secret with its rituals that still enchant Pornstars on the Internet. Hence the habit of diary writing (especially among women) that made a written world parallel to the real world. The woman was preparing for marriage by learning to play the piano, dancing, arranging and drying the flowers, and dance parties were important for the woman looking for a groom, or who wanted to feel important and desirable. Even now, when a woman spoils her, she says she lives in the Victorian era.
In a book published between London and New York entitled “The Holocausts of the Late Victorian Era: El Nino Disasters and How the Third World Born” thinker Mike Davis tried to tell the secret story of the nineteenth century, which had a great role in mapping the riches, poverty, strength and weakness of the world until now. The author states, “There was a massive catastrophe of almost universal proportions in that period.
Famine swept entire countries like Egypt, India and China, and droughts and famines also spread to other regions, such as Indonesia (Java in particular), the Philippines, New Caledonia, Korea, Brazil, South Africa, and North West Africa. The victims of these famines amounted to tens of millions, and can only be compared to the victims of the Chinese Civil War that took place between 1851-1864 and it is the largest civil war in history as it killed at least thirty million people, and the story of Mike Davis reveals what the official history concealed from the point of view of the empire Great.
In the glory of the years of Victoria and El Nino, Gertrude Lothian Bell was born, enjoying that England is the first industrialized country in the world, and her father is the heir of an important industrial empire that he developed and developed, and when Gertrude was born he worked for him in coal mines and iron and aluminum furnaces more than 47 thousand workers, and produces a third of what it consumes Britain is iron, in a contemporary sense it was one of the industry dinosaurs in northern England. The calmness of family life did not last, the mother died of acute pneumonia and Gertrude at the third, and before the eighth was completed the lady of the house was Florence Olive, a writer of theatrical Parisian playwright of little beauty. But smart, she opened a little reading to a little girl, At the same time, her method of education, as Gertrude said in a letter to her father, is similar to the corset that she liked so much.
The young Parisian did not play the role of the traditional stepmother as portrayed in the literature of the Victorian era, but she was closer to a cultural and moral guide that leads her to a strange world over her in the factories of factory workers; She was preparing a study of their way of life, and she was chasing her with harsh remarks about her method, which was characterized by chaotic and absurdity in those early years. This intermarriage between impunity and rigor remained the secret of the tension and anxiety of Gertrude and her love for adventure.
Qualities that gave her the role she played brilliantly later on; She was the only woman among 19 men who had been chosen by the Minister of Colonies, Winston Churchill, as he charted the future of the Arab world after eliminating the sick man “Turkey”.

Her Enter In Political Life :-
Her femininity gave her the force of intrusion, even though Victorian femininity was associated with residence behind velvet walls, and the aristocracy of the aristocratic women was to paint one of them in an oil painting showing her full body; Her chest is eager as if to start from the dress that resembles a luxurious bobble tent, this is the image of the female in the era in which Gertrude broke the restrictions, and she came out of the picture frame, to make her kingdom in the Arab desert, and to break the rule she faced, and in the first time breaking the men's monopoly to learn in Oxford or Cambridge And although the University of Oxford was one of the centers of free thinking in Britain, the rule was that this thinking was reserved for men only, and it was not surprising in those days that he would give lectures in the university halls about the dependency of women on men.
Like the lecture of the famous philosopher Herbert Spencer, “thinking poses a danger to a woman, puts her brain over its capacity and impairs her reproductive capacity” and teachers accepted the presence of girls in the classroom with great confusion; One of them insisted that they sit and turned their backs on him, as she wrote in a letter to her stepmother. But Bill did not wait for a groom, and she did not like the idea of picking up a pair of bourgeois cocktail parties, and this was the secret of stumbling on marriage projects in her family context, perhaps because many of the men of that time could not tolerate the idea of marrying the first woman to obtain a higher degree In modern history, she loves being alone with the pen and papers and rebelling against Victorian femininity, perhaps because she was searching for the impossible.
She did not find in her multiple speeches, she was calling her an attractive idea and a dangerous game; The bourgeois house expected in London was not located, so the desert and the east were, and there she met Lawrence of Arabia in Carchemish ( Karkemish - North Of Syria ) at the entrance of the Euphrates to Syria; And she had started her trips to the east from Tehran, the trip came after 3 years of boredom following her return from Romania (she worked there at the British embassy), Then Constantinople, where the first strands of attachment began to what is called in these cases "the magic of the East",
Which can be translated into the cultural distance that made the West install its steam machine in the way of material ascension while the East still in the caves belonging to spiritual rituals and a culture closer to the primitive instinct move an instinct The discovery, the discovery of humankind's past that lives in the shadow of its tyrant present, and Gertrude is such a type of discoverer that spread in the early twentieth century, and each of them was a mixture of lovers, spies and researcher in archeology and history. Gertrude traveled to the Orient Express (1892), and in her bag dictionaries in Arabic and Persian, accompanied by her aunt and her cousin and two servants, and after a week-long trip between the train and the ship arrived at the walls of Tehran, whose mud houses and green gardens amid the desert extending around it seemed an unusual scene, and the search remained About unfamiliar scenes, her mysterious obsession in Tehran.
In 1894, her book “Persian Pictures” appeared in which she described the plague that invaded Tehran during her visit as a visitor knocking on every door, and that the lives of the country's citizens were completely paralyzed, and they made no effort to isolate the disease or bury the dead, leaving the injured people on the streets to breathe their last and transmit the infection, She explained this neglect by what she called the Eastern capacity, and considered that it prevents people from taking control of their own affairs. Gertrude portrayed the rising life of the East as a completely different, mysterious, unrealistic existence that is difficult to comprehend and comprehend in all circumstances, a monotonous life that does not change from one generation to another, and does not represent any trait. In her private letters more than once to her sweeping longing for the Persian rose gardens, and as an expression of love and longing she translated the poems of the most famous Persian poets, Hafez Al-Shirazi, which is by far the most important and accurate translation into English, and perhaps Tehran's journey was an important key in her fateful journey to Cairo after that more than Quarter of a century.

In Tehran, the mystery of the East was mixed with a frustrated romantic story. There, Gertrude Bell met a penniless young English man named Henry Cadogan, who worked as a third secretary at the English embassy, accompanied her for a hunting trip in the desert, and there he dizzy her with heavy hair and spinning, and they agreed to marry, but the family overturned the mysterious suitor , And found that he was poor, he told Gertrude that he was a gambler, a fan of picking up romances with wealth, and soon the young lover was called to England.

There, she received a telegram from Tehran informing her of Henry Cadogan death after suffering a fever, and it was a tragic end to a story that awakened within Gertrude, the crazy longing to the east. A high-necked shoe, usually on these trips smoking cigarettes.
This was an eye-catching start that the New York Times wrote about at the time the very strange styles of English women, sometimes convincing you that they were about to easily turn into my neighborhood, but once they broke their chains they only knew revenge! Thus Gertrude Bell became the most famous British spy in the early twentieth century. A few days after the victory of the allies in the first war, on the journey of Jerusalem, she got rid of the ghost of the late beloved, and began to discover the other side of her story with the East in the customs and traditions of people, and her mastery of the Arabic language helped her to break into new places;
From Jerusalem, she journeyed across the Jordan River to Jericho, After spending days in Mount Horan, she headed to Damascus and from there to Palmyra, where she stayed for days, then went back to London, to be near the place of her famous adventure in climbing the ice peaks in Switzerland, this adventure gave her confidence and audacity that brought her a lot of mental curiosity into dangerous play In unoccupied places, between 1905 she made a lightning visit to Haifa, and a lengthy visit to India, Singapore, China and Korea, and in the early 1905 she developed a plan for what she called a stage of work aimed at studying folk customs and traditions in the East. On the trip, I discovered a unique method of collecting information. He does not care about the source of the information, as the most important information can be obtained from the most trivial sources; Advice she learned from a veteran diplomat, and her first steps were to cross the delicate line between scientific research and espionage, between discovering the mystery of mystery and using the discovery to reshape the region, and this made her fame draw attention after her book that came out of that trip "the Arabian desert".

At the end of the trip She met Mark Sykes; The English half of the famous agreement between France and England over a division left by the Ottoman Empire known as the Sykes-Picot. Sykes had not yet reached the position of the British High Commissioner for Near East Affairs, and he had not arrived at his workplace in Cairo, but he wrote in published articles, that the Arabs are “healthy, cheaters, irritable and cowardly ... and they in my view represent the most hateful images in The East ... They are despised, lazy, without limits, and full of evil to the fullest of their weak bodies. ”

Gertrude Bell discussed these views, and disagreed with him, (seeing that Arabs follow clear customs and moral traditions), dating back to the beginning of civilization. The difference between Sykes and Gertrude is not in assessing the characteristics of the Arabs, but in the angle in which they stand. He is the diplomat who divided the legacy with his French colleague and returned to his country, while she surrendered to love and melting, and she died in the countries that formed her as she liked.
Faisal is the king of Iraq :-
The king used to surround her waist with his arm, and approached with intimate intimacy, as if they were lovers fleeing from the family for the first time, and on the stage of the stage I discovered that in a soft romantic fit that brought back memories of individual meetings and the long sessions in which emotions were mixed with politics, the king summoned her more than once on his farm in the suburbs and there She was feeling that in a situation where the images overlapped, she was his fiery English adviser with fiery red hair, and before that she was the impossible maker that pushed the Bedouin with his desert romance to sit on the throne of Iraq, and after that she is a short lady who takes over the daily matters from the royal family's protocols and small details to the network of relationships Politics between the king and the British on the one hand, and between him and the tribal elders and clans, who were skilled experts in its complex map.

The King is often confused about it: is she a political and psychological subordinate to her? Is she just an employee at his court? Is she a spy or a non-crowned queen? Do they have solidarity for judgment or a complex relationship between a man and a woman?

The king is Faisal; The most powerful of the sons of Sharif Hussein bin Ali, who was born in Istanbul in 1853 and returned to him in 1893 with his sons in exile, due to disputes over the position of the Sheriff of Mecca.

After he was appointed honorable of Mecca, he returned to the Hejaz with his sons to play an unexpected role in the following years.
The big step was the famous correspondence that Sharif Hussein exchanged with McMahon, the British Commissioner in Cairo, in 1914, and it involved a kind of agreement between the English and Sharif Hussein; He declares the Great Arab Revolt against the Turks, and the British give the Arabs their independence at the end of the war.

This was the beginning of the so-called traditional Arabism associated with the British, which exploded in the face of the weakness and fragility of the Islamic bond that the sick Turkish man reached to the brink of collapse.
On the tenth of June 1916, Al-Sharif Hussein announced the revolution ... by shooting from the balcony of his house, and within weeks he had control over a number of sites and cities, including Makkah, Taif and Jeddah.
After that, Al-Sharif handed over the leadership of the armies to his sons Ali, Abdullah and Faisal, and after a series of skirmishes and battles that were reported in the world, a number of Arab volunteers looking for independence who had pledged allegiance to Al-Hussein as king of the Hejaz in October 1916 spewed to Mecca.

As Lawrence of Arabia said, “The British had another opinion, and they found in Faisal the appropriate personality to lead the Arab revolution; He possesses charisma appropriate to the stage, enhanced by personal intelligence and political flexibility.
Faisal was successful in leading the northern army that was looking to reach Syria, was able to reach Aqaba ( Jordan ), in alliance with tribal leaders, and achieved a surprising victory that caught the attention of the English leadership in Cairo, and opened the possibility of victory in the upcoming battles in Palestine.
At the end of the war (October 1918), the Arab armies entered Damascus, Faisal entered As the victorious commander, and General Allenby entered it at a moment of enormous turmoil.

The strange thing is that Faisal in Syria was at the center of more storms than his innate experience in politics, initially choosing to align with the revolutionaries who demand a state independent from the Ottoman court in Turkey. Although England felt its promises and decided to surrender Syria to the French. After the British pressure, he almost agreed to the French terms, but he was forced to accept the demands of the revolutionaries who declared independence. They chose him as King of Syria on March 8, 1920, on the same day that the Iraqis - in Damascus - chose Prince Abdullah ( 'Abd al-Ilah ) as King of Iraq.

The acceptance of the King of Syria dragged King Faisal I to reprimand his father, who was still under the influence of deception and demanded that the British fulfill their promise! As for Faisal, after losing the British protection, he had to face alone the results of his choice. The French decided to eliminate the fledgling queen.
On the morning of July 24, the French forces began a comprehensive attack at the famous site of Maysalun, in which Defense Minister Youssef al-Azma fell, and it was only hours until the first Arab kingdom in the modern era fell.

King Faisal left Damascus on the same day, and the French forced him to leave all of Syria, so he exiled (and possibly on the run), not to the Hijaz but to Europe, and after a journey that took several months, he reached London. There a new stage started, starring Gertrude Bell.
This is a prevailing perception among those interested in those years of the history of the Arab region, and the owners of the perception believe that Gertrude through this love imposed its authority and managed his kingdom from behind the curtain.
The non-crowned Queen of Iraq :-
Princess Badia did not talk about "Mays but" or "the girl of the desert" as they called her in the early twentieth century, even though this "Miss Bell" is the strong influence in Britain when it was a great empire, and she played the main role in drawing the borders of the new Iraq, and in choosing Her first ruler, Prince Faisal, and for years was the closest person, his political advisor, and the author of the supreme word in the court of his rule, a great position at a time when Arab women did not come close to politics, granting her the title of "the unmarried queen of Iraq"; It is Gertrude Margaret Lothian Bell; Born on July 14, 1868, of a bourgeois family in Durham, England .. She was chaotic, but she learned the rules of behavior and decent appearance under pressure from her Parisian stepmother, Low beauty, strict.
This seems to be the secret of her anxiety, anxiety, and her love for adventure, qualities that enabled her for the role she later skillfully played in shaping the political map of the region, as she was the only woman among 19 people chosen by the British Colonial Secretary - in the twenties - Winston Churchill as he charted the future of the Arab world after eliminating the man The patient in Turkey. Miss Bell was a special type of explorer: it was not just an adventure, she wanted to play for her freedom in the desert, away from London that she did not like, fond of the magic of the East, which was greater than a "mysterious journey" that made you feel the pleasure of travel, but rather was a place where she discovered The same way in which Thomas Edward Lawrence - whom we know as Lawrence of Arabia - found himself, he is the illegitimate second son of a poor Irish baron and a nanny who was caring for his children the two fled to Oxford, and took the name Lawrence a name for their family.
And the hidden adventurer hidden in several personalities to play his role in the drawing of the political face of the Arab desert, Prince Faisal participated in leading the tribal army that moved from Mecca, then stories were spread about him and his relationship with the tribal leaders, and his political role was mixed with sexual tales mostly revolving around his use of the relationship Homosexuality with leaders who are surrounded by the bodies of white men, to dominate the political decision in favor of the British, so that he and the group of spies, lovers of the desert and the east, preach a new Arab world.

British intelligence :-
But Gertrude Bell was an exceptional woman in this society, or, as the Daily Mail recently described it, she was the most influential and influential woman in British male diplomatic circles, and she managed to gather around her the hearts of fans such as Lawrence of Arabia and other men with striking appeal; She liked the company of men and they loved her, as she was fascinated by her skills, talents and mind, who were said to be the brightest minds of the daughters of her generation. There is also a link between Gertrude's biography and Cancer, a dramatic portrayal of Gertrude Bell's bustling life; A cancer woman lives between two characters.
The first is a serious, discreet, and successful management process that tends to social life, fame, and lights. The second character is a shy, conservative, sad and happy for the most trivial reasons, at first we think that she is weak but stronger than it appears, a successful and fair housekeeper in her judgments, and in both personalities strong observation, delicate sense, attractive and charm is breathtaking, emotional, affectionate and vulnerable. The essential in life, its moody mood, governed by the moon and its effects, its imagination is broad, possesses an analytical spirit and has good intuition, its nature is peaceful, cautious, She does not give up her confidence easily and does not give her completely, no matter how long her friendship lasts, she maintains something of her own that she does not reveal, she does not keep silent about those who make mistakes against her, sometimes frankly at her doorstep, and in many cases she maintains what she has pain and waits for the appropriate time to explode in anger, love is the focus of her life and one of the priorities of her interests. And the man is the source of protection and safety, with great hopes and sincere emotions attached to him.

To a large extent Gertrude lived between two characters. One is conservative and the other is adventure. She looked for a man who would give her motherhood and safety. In the end, however, she only found local fans of the desert people, who were very handsome, and apparently many fans. The residents even called her house overlooking the Tigris River "the House of Singles".
The woman over forty when she arrived in Baghdad - attractive, has her affliction that exceeds the temptation of an English spy at the heart of the storms of change (storms close to what is happening now) that were managed by professional leaders who picked up rare personalities such as Mais Bell, Lawrence of Arabia and Edward Philby, and they are special types of Spies; They are intellectuals and romantics, who find themselves on sacred missions, and they imagine that they have apostolic roles in the life of societies far from modernity. At the same time, they love countries that sleep in an endless ocean of sand. Gertrude Bell was fascinated by Baghdad, considered the most romantic country, and eagerly listened to the tales of Scheherazade of her companions on desert trips.

This sedition enabled her to cultivate herself in distant lands and establish a relationship with a place far from all her family or social connections; She is in Baghdad her chosen place, and far from London, the place of her birth and her family, she endured the terrible heat that the desert people could not bear themselves, and she refused to travel in the summer, with only an electric fan considered an exceptional gift, while politicians and the wealthy people of the country search for resorts in Europe to escape from the heat And humidity, which, as the Guardian newspaper said in an article after the American war on Iraq, exceeded Lawrence of Arabia's idea of the possibility of converting English into Arabic more than Arabs themselves.
Gertrude has gone further with being a female, and she has been able to engage with Arab tribal elders and dictate their will to them as if they were one of them. (The old name for Iraq). (The British newspaper considers the foundations laid by Miss Bell to form the state of Iraq from three Ottoman states, (Mosul), (Baghdad) and (Basra), the same foundations adopted by the Arab Socialist Baath Party and Saddam Hussein built his republic based on the use of force to impose power and unity).

Thus, British intelligence discovered the talents of Miss Bell while she was in the process of getting rid of amateurs.
When the First World War erupted, Gertrude found herself the focus of attention from the Ministry of War, which needed the maps she had drawn for Syria, and her long experiences in desert trips were behind the request of the Arab office to collect the newly established information in Cairo by recruiting her to work as a (spy for the Allies).
There She met again Lawrence of Arabia, who was the second man in the office, and began a stage where she learned to analyze information, then presented her perceptions in managing the relationship between Britain and its colonies in the East. These new experiences made her and in the first steps towards her becoming a professional spy, discover before another leader In Cairo, his name is Saad Zaghloul.

She mentioned his name in her diaries on September 30, 1919, and within the framework of indicating that none of the patriots whom the people love and choose can obtain important ministerial positions: “This applies strongly to Saad Zaghloul, who after gave him a position returned to Kitchener, McMahon (the British accredited following Cromer's departure) to reduce his rise, "but at the same time she sees Saad Zaghloul, a cruel, brawny, arrogant, arrogant, and difficult to deal with. (Gertrude concluded her journal with a note, “I fear that Egypt will turn to another Ireland because of our stupid stupidity”) It is a warning consistent with her view that Lord Cromer's plan was the best in dealing with Egypt, because in most of it she was a strict plan that proceeded on constitutional rules ready to transform in any A moment to autocracy (absolute military rule) for a day or two, so Egypt was shivering whenever Kromer walked the street.

The lady preoccupied with romance and the charm of the East loves Lord Kromer's style of violence and oppression and the hatred of Egyptians. This is one of its exciting contradictions. For example, she rejected the Balfour Declaration at the time of its declaration in 1917 and said, “I hate the Zionist declaration, and I trust that it cannot be implemented. The country (Palestine) in general does not suit the Jews, because two-thirds of its population is Arab-Muslim, I am sure that it is an artificial scheme with no connection With facts.

But at the same time, she did not reject King Faisal’s meetings in Aqaba with the leader of the Zionist movement, Chaim Weizmann, and that he signed an agreement (1919) whereby Faisal accepts the principle of establishing a homeland for Jews in Palestine. At the time, Faisal was ready to provide anything for the sake of judgment. And Gertrude Bell was on her way to making the impossible.

On December 4, 1921 Gertrude Bell wrote to her father, I spent the morning in the office, making the crazy desert border of Iraq.
The story of his drawing of the borders began with a commission from the British Intelligence after the Russian Revolution (1917) and in the wake of problems exploded by Iran on the borders. 1921. At the time, the British Secretary to the British High Commissioner in Iraq, Percy Cox, was able in a short period to take over the file of the next king, as she is an expert on the political map of tribes and clans that resemble a mosaic, and her energy to work is enormous and she has the ability to manage small disputes, experience seemed In its architecture a country protected by the Kurds Mountains would represent Turkey and Russia.
It always needs authoritarian power to maintain its territorial integrity (this power was colonialism and then became a military state) and finally it gave its advice that the Sunnis (the illusion of the minority) should rule because the Shiites (the majority) are more closely related to Iran, and there is no agreement between the British Empire and their dreams as is the case As for the Sunni (Ahlam al-Sharif Hussein, and his children).

Here she took advantage of her unique formula to make the impossible; It is the installation of an alien king from the country, in which no one is known, and he is also out of a military defeat at the hands of France that kept him miles away from the role that he and his family (Hashemite) (dreamed of. At the time), another Iranian, and others, who for each of them were a playground for big dreams in governance, and all their dreams took place in Roulette (the turntable to play famous luck) until they settled on sharing the cake between the remnants of the children of Sharif Hussein in Iraq and Transjordan, and the sons of Al Saud in Hejaz and the Arabian Peninsula.
As for the strangest of these titles, it was the “Mother of the Believers,” which people called in Baghdad after she and her boss, Percy Cox, settled to the point that they both practiced their favorite hobby very comfortably; Mr. Cox takes the frozen bowls out of the fridge to feed his favorite hawk. She rides her little horse on daily rides in the early moments of the day.
It was busy all day. She assumed the honorary presidency of the Department of Antiquities, established the nucleus of the Iraqi Museum, and was at the head of the Peace Library Committee that turned into the National Library of Iraq. This is in addition to her relationship with the Iraqi mosaic, so she never sat on food alone, and had the luxury of a daily date with swimming in the Tigris River .And on the fun Sunday nights, social parties run the map of relationships. She breaks her loneliness. Nevertheless, it has been rumored that "moments of rejoicing are few, such as those that come as if a person stands on the threshold of a mysterious journey"!

Its relationship to Lawrence of Arabia :-
Lawrence became an important friend in the life of Elvis Bell, after their first meeting at an archaeological site in southern Turkey in 1911, before she became the decision lady in the palaces of rule in Baghdad, and in the vicinity of women coming from the desert or the Turkish monarch. As for Princess Badia, she was like most of the women of the Hashemite family who were far from entering the political game, a rule that was broken three times. The first with her sister Queen Alia; The first Hashemite queen in the history of the Arabs as described by Princess Badia, She also described her role in the process of transferring power after the killing of her husband, King Ghazi, with whom she lived sad because she was forced to marry him, but the relationship between them remained respected in the words of her younger sister, and in the notes strongly denies high involvement in the assassination plot of Ghazi, a conspiracy that ended the attempt to exit It is under English control.

But Badia did not deny Alia’s role in her brother Prince Abdullah’s accession to the throne, and she also made him monopolize the way her son was raised to move away from his father’s life and style, which is the political act that brought the supreme word back to the branch of the Hashemite family that is more conservative and less free from the control of political customs and ideas Traditional, and most importantly, it is the closest to the English, but it is the branch that walked the end to the end and contributed to the declaration of the Baghdad Pact.

The strange thing is that Alia was going to marry her cousin Talal, the son of King Abdullah of Jordan, whom Princess Badiaa remembers in memoirs “I remember him as a young man in his twenties (born 1910) when he was coming to Baghdad in the late twenties and early thirties so we play and have fun together, he was very polite, Latif Muasher, a light-blooded, joke, but my uncle tends more to Nayef (my half-brother Talal) than to him. ”
Close to the Suez Canal, the guard asked the next man through the Sinai desert; His features were strange; He is blonde and his eyes are colorful, but he wears a white cloak, the guard did not know that he was Lawrence of Arabia; The most famous British spy in the twentieth century.

Before arriving in the Arab region, he listened to the advice “You are going to a desert inhabited only by the Bedouins and the gods.” So he decided to be a Bedouin and a primitive like her family, and his God carries a miracle to those waiting under the tent. Lawrence kept looking at the guard with astonishment, and does not know how to answer him .He is now A lost one who doesn't know who he is; His identity was lost between the Bedouin and the god, between his image and his shadows, he is in the desert, dancing the images and shadows dance.

Her Death :-
Her last flight was July 11, 1926. She woke up in her pleasant home, walked a little in his scented garden before she went to a working lunch with the diplomatic committee, and on the way back she thought, she is now approaching fifty-eight; Alone, her importance in Baghdad settled, the first stormy years passed, she lost her family and most of her wealth with the turmoil of the miners, and now she is close to the age of wilt and the "House of Singles" will be devoid of lovers, she wore the jersey swimsuit, and found the water in the Tigris revolting, she lay down on her beloved seat Next to her gentle gazelle, in the evening she lay on her bed and quietly took large doses of sleeping pills, (Gertrude died and was even buried in Armenian graves. in Baghdad).

~ EnRi, IRAQ.