science Origami: The Art of Science Between Folds Origami is the art of paper folding. Even though it was initially practiced as a form of art, origami has vast applications in modern science and technology.
health Why should you stop drinking water while you are standing up? And most of all, drinking water in this way does not actually quench your thirst.
food What Is Soursop (Graviola) and does it Really Help to Prevent Cancer? Soursop is a very popular fruit for its health benefits and delicious flavor. The scientific name of Soursop is Annona muricata.
food The Easiest Natural Ways of Food Preservation Food is one of the most important things in life. Every day, people have to eat something to survive. Food plays a vital role in the body's structure, nutrition and prevention of disease.Food is mainly composed of different compounds.We get food mainly from plants and animals.
chemistry Does laughing gas really make you laugh? Nitrous Oxide (N2O) is also known as laughing gas, nitrous, sweet air, protoxide of nitrogen, hyponitrous oxide.The IUPAC name of it is “ Dinitrogen Monoxide ''.
Dry ice How to make Dry Ice and it's Fog! Dry Ice and it’s fog; This is one of the most interesting experiments in chemistry. Typically it is used in home parties. It is known all over the world less or more. An extremely popular experiment for children
phenylpropanoids Phenylpropanoids Phenylpropanoids are natural products which derived from amino acid. They are a diverse group of thousands of different compounds. And the organic compounds with 6 carbons aromatic phenyl group.
science Understanding Allergy and Its Effect On Our Health Allergy is a type of immune response. It can be defined as hypersensitivity of our immune system. If any foreign object enters our body from outside, our immune system will try to eliminate it.
chemistry Top 3 Chemistry Experiments for Homeschooling Parents Are you feeling moody staying at home during quarantine? Why not do some Fun and amusing with Chemistry!! We are here to eliminate your boring time through some chemical experiments.
chemistry What if We Consume Alcohol, will it protect us from Covid19? The world is going through a pandemic outbreak for Covid19. This is totally a new virus linked to the alike family of viruses as SARS. The world is being horrified as the days are going through.