The Giza Pyramids have astonished researchers for many centuries in which mysterious voids and hidden rooms alone were not cause for question. The puzzling puzzle revolves around the construction techniques that ancient Egyptians used to construct these wonderful symmetrical buildings without modern technology.

Scientific explanations for building the pyramid
During the construction of the pyramids, the ancient Egyptians considered the positions of the stars in the sky, and it is believed that this was evident in the designs of the Great Pyramid and was clear in aligning the three pyramids together. If we decide to simulate the sky at the time of the Pharaohs when building the pyramids, we will find this clear in the Great Pyramid, especially.
The constellation of Orion
The king's burial chamber was connected to several small holes that extend from that chamber outside the pyramid, and it was believed that they were built only to ventilate the burial chamber, but it is now clear that these holes are related to the stars of the sky.

One of those openings from the burial chamber departs from the position of the king in a direct line to the location of the old snake star.
As for the group “The Stars of the Titanic”, it is represented in the ancient Egyptian civilization, the god “Sah”, who is believed to be one of the images of the pharaoh in the other life. The stars in the sky, as if they are also linked to the death of the pharaoh..
A binary star consists of two stars that orbit each other. According to the new results, the snake's companion revolves around it almost every 51 days.

Technology used
If the pyramids of Egypt are not the most amazing antique buildings, then they are definitely one of the strangest man-made buildings in history. There is always a lot of research on how to make it and the accuracy of the pyramids. With the sophistication of scanning technology and computer models, researchers will be able to learn more about how these ancient structures are built, how they are used, and who uses them.
Many experts believe that even with current human technology, such a large structure cannot be built with such precision. Historical analyzes show that the pyramid was built between 2589 and 2504 BC. There are many rumors and facts about this amazing pyramid that misled archaeologists, astronomers, scholars and tourists with many questions. The mortar used to construct this pyramid has an unknown source. Studies have determined their chemical composition, but it cannot be made. The mortar used to build this pyramid is stronger than the stones used in it.

Some scholars have come to the way the ancient Egyptians moved the stone blocks from the Marmar quarries at the site of Hatnoub, east of the city of Tel el-Amarna in Minya during the era of King Khufu, during the era of building the Great Pyramid by means of a "unique system" to transport and withdraw the blocks from the entrance below the quarry that this The system consists of a "central slope, surrounded by two perforations with two perforations, which helps to raise the quarry blocks through very rough slopes by at least 20 percent.
"Alabaster is one of the most important and wonderful stones used to make statues, coffins, tiles and vases since the age of the pyramid builders."
Some information about the pyramids
The three pyramids of Giza are the most well-known and widely traded, but in reality there are 80 pyramids recently discovered in the area of ancient Egypt, but what many people are ignorant of is that Egypt is not the only country in which the pyramids are located in the region, where there are 220 pyramids in Sudan, thus occupying the first rank In terms of number, the Pyramid of Djoser, which is located in the city of "Saqqara", is the oldest pyramid ever, and its origins date back to the 27th century BC.
But the pyramid of Khufu (the Pyramid of Giza) was the largest among its peers, with its current height of 146.5 meters, in addition to being one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Estimates vary as to what the pyramids required from the human capabilities to build them greatly, but they amounted to about 100,000 people.

All Egyptian pyramids were built on the West Bank of the Nile River, then known as the site of sunset.
The pyramids were not built overnight. Rather, it took nearly 200 years to build the Great Pyramid alone, and to build corridors and lower parts of it ten years, according to the Greek historian “Herodotus,” who visited Egypt in the fourth century BC after more than 2000 years of building the pyramid. He has heard these accounts and others from some priests and narrators, indicating that many of the pyramid-building processes started at the same time.
The pyramids were originally covered with a carefully polished layer of white limestone, which gave it a glimpse of a huge gem that reflects the sun's rays on it, and it could be seen from a very long distance.
We may never know what actually happened when building the pyramids, but we are still discovering information that is stranger to the one that preceded it and which makes us feel that our civilization is smaller than previous civilizations.
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