A brief summary about Sufism:
Sufism is a religious and philosophical trend that calls for asceticism, the intensity of worship, and the awareness of the self and the surroundings. It appeared as an individual tendency resulting from excessive cultural luxury [1] and the increase in cultural awareness in the Middle East affected by ancient civilizations such as the Iranian and Hellenic. As for gratitude, it is "in Sufism" self-awareness and obtaining the comprehensive knowledge that is required to know and understand the divine subject (theology).
Because it is generated by the self and takes care of it, it is not surprising that it used the tongues as a means of expression and advocacy for them, and that is why mystics and asceticism began to spread the verses and poems with the most beautiful expressions and linguistic sobriety and Musical in all languages of Islamic peoples (Arabic, Farsi, Turkish..Etc.) to our time, but the term for mysticism differs today from what it used to be, it now symbolizes that poetry used for the purpose of calling for asceticism, divine love and morals, regardless of whether its owner is desirable or not
The name of Sufi
As words have an effect on spirit and perception. Sufis used that in their name in the first Sufi contracts. As a regular person, you are inspired by something else, and whoever calls this thing a strange name that you hear for the first time, then your stomach will feel cramped and you will have awe when you hear that name whose meaning you do not know again.
At this point, Sufis began to interpret their name, and they attributed dreams to one of their sheikhs, who saw in the prophet Muhammad, and this tale has been manipulated many times, as the text of the saying has been changed several times, some of their narrations. Asceticism, humility, and poverty. "Others said," Sufism came because Sufis would stand in the first line of believers for the convergence of the word Sufi with Suf, which means "wool."
Worship in Sufism: Muslim scholars have classified that the Sufi doctrine is an extraneous doctrine of Islam that arose among the Basrians because of their excessive asceticism and reverence in worship so the Sufis were fought from all Islamic schools of thought as an enemy of them and described it as "the work of Satan" and that Islam is innocent of this despicable act. Sufis used to pray and worship to only God for love and did not want anything from him, and Muslim scholars described this outrageous act as if they were arrogant to God. According to what Muslims say, a Muslim should approach God with desire and fear for him and love for him. For God to be respected by His servants and not as if they were their friend.
And among the strangest of their religious customs:
1-They dance because they are happy that God is their Lord, and they rely on that that Jaafar bin Abi Talib(Prophet's Cousin) when the Prophet came and preached to him that he will enter Paradise after he dies because he started dancing and said that I won Paradise with joy.
So the Sufis took it as a legal way to dance as a form of worship. Sufis perform dancing and praying in front of the shrines of their imams, such as the Sufis who dance in front of the grave of Jalaluddin Rumi and Abdul Qadir Al-Kilani

2- Isolation: Some worshipers isolate themselves from people in order to worship on their own, being close to God, as are some other religions, such as Buddhists do something like Isolate themselves for a period to Clear their Souls from the Human Rubbish. Some of the Sufist's fast from speaking. A day or more passes without a person speaking or communicating with people so they spent a day or more without speaking any word to anyone just to being closer to God.
3- Showing competence by torturing the body: Sufis insert sharp machines into their bodies and penetrate their bodies, and they also walk on burning embers, and walk on sharp pins in order to injure the feet and torture the human body in order to draw close to God through torture and show a lack of interest in the mortal body In order to please God be pleased with them, but all these actions that the average Muslim does not perform are not representative of all the actions of the Sufis and Sufis, because these actions are not committed by all the Sufis, but they do not constitute a rate of 10%, they do these acts, and it brings a bad reputation on this intellectual doctrine.
Strange story about Sufism and its religious figures: It is rumored that there was a Sufi woman who was in Afghanistan and there was a man who assaulted her by beating and this woman has no way to repel this criminal, so she has nothing to do in order to protect herself and her dignity but to pray, so she sought help from (Abdul Qadir Al-Kilani).
He was in Baghdad while she was in Afghanistan and at an estimated distance of more than 2000 kilometers between them. Abdul Qadir Al Kilani grabbed his shoes and threw it to the sky, saying that he had reached Afghanistan and struck the aggressor on the woman he succeeded with his shoes in protecting the life of that woman who was in danger and after a while One of the travelers from Afghanistan to Baghdad returned the shoe to him and then he was called (Abdul Qadir Al Kilani, the owner of the shoe).