"Be more curious about things, less curious about people"
"There is nothing in the world to fear, there is only something that may not be well understood."
The most painful thing, perhaps, is that you need to make an extraordinary effort to get yourself a place in this world, a place that anyone can get with much less effort but you have to make a stark difference so that only others - those who turn a blind eye to you - can start to pay attention to it. Here you will actually succeed in achieving your goal by the end of the long and sad story, but in return you may learn one of the most influential ideas in humans, namely that life is not fair, and that being a woman - a woman - for example - alone can turn her life into something she loves to A fierce battle between her desire to learn and this society's rejection of her, no matter what she deserves.

To understand what we mean here, let's consider several tales of Marie Skłodowska Curie, with her success of how to fracture an atom. The first success allowed her to achieve her award Nobel in Physics 1 in year 1903 in partnership with Antoine Henri Becquerel and Pierre Curie, 8 years before the award, Roentgen had discovered X-rays. But he did not know how we could get it, one year later Becquerel had discovered that uranium salts emit radiation similar to its X-ray penetration ability as it comes out of uranium and not any other source.
Noble is not for women
But Mary was the one who used the electrometer - created by her husband Pierre Curie - to confirm that the activity of uranium compounds depends only on the amount of uranium in them, and here she establishes the hypothesis that radiation does not result from the interaction of what happens between molecules, but rather comes from the atom itself, and was It was she who originally called this "Radioactivity 2 ", which was the assumptions of Marie Curie, published in April 1889 and read by former Professor Mary and her sponsor Gabriel Lippmann to the Academy of Sciences, which is also the broad door from which atomic sciences entered physics.

Mary’s reference in this article to the fact that radioactivity is an atomic property means that the atom itself is divisible, which means that it has another world smaller than it, which was demonstrated by Ernest Rutherford who joined the party during that period, contrary to the old democratic normal. And that remained prevalent until Marie Curie came, saying that the atoms are small units of solid and under which there are no other units, and despite all this achievement the Nobel nominations did not pay attention to Mary!
As the nominations were mainly for Pierre Curie - her husband - with Birkrell while no one mentioned Mary's role in the nomination speech, the problem was that everyone who signed the nomination speech knew Mary’s role, and what she had presented to the physics of radioactivity, that one of the signers was himself Gabriel Liebman Who read her essay on the Science Society, but nevertheless he only believed that she was 3 "poor young students", the Nobel Committee did not retract until when a famous mathematician named Justa Mittler Lefler entered by pressing the committee where he informed Pierre of the situation, Corrie refused and said that he would not receive The prize is only in the presence of Mary, and despite this, Mary only received one fourth of the award.
Corrie used to live such a lifestyle very early in her life, as she lived her childhood in an occupied homeland (Poland before Russia ), and that was very influential in her life later, her sister and mother died before her eyes while she was a little girl, and throughout her life she lived a life of poverty, in occupied Poland she was not allowed as a woman to continue studying after high school, so she studied secretly, and when she was Willing to study science at France There were only two options: that she went to study science, or that her sister Brunei go to study medicine. So Mary decided to work for a family called the Zorafsky family.

A brief history of sadness
In fact, this was one of Mary’s most depressing stories. She fell there in love with one of the youths of that family called Kazimir, but when he wanted to marry her and his family spoke about her, the family strongly refused because Mary is just a poor educator who is not at the level of the family, and in the end he left and married From another girl, and despite the extreme sadness that Curry hit because of this, she hid that feeling from her features, and she said in one of the letters to Brunia, who successfully graduated from medical school, that it was 4 "there were very difficult days, and her memory does not diminish, but I In spite of everything I passed with her head held high and with honor. "

Either in Paris , life was more ruthless, and although Mary was the first woman in Europe to obtain a doctorate from the Sorbonne, there was a tragedy behind it, the money she received was very little, and the stay with her sister - who had also moved Paris with her husband - not possible because their home was always crowded, so Mary was forced to rent a room in a poor side area, and lived - most of the time - only on tea and bread, and even lost consciousness more than once due to lack of food, despite That's almost 3 years ago Mary obtained a degree in Physics and a degree in Mathematics, with an excellent rating.
Mary is to the left with her sister
In fact, the crisis of need for money was inherent to her for almost 5 years , even after she married Pierre Curie and worked together and often needed money to complete their research on radioactivity, that research that eventually led to the discovery of the elements polonim and radium, and once things started to stabilize For Mary and Pierre, the world calmed down a little, until the surprise of Pierre's death in a traffic accident at the age of 49, which completely changed the course of Mary's life, she learned that her life - apparently - is the story of a loved one.

Even in 1911, 6 years after Pierre's death, when Mary got her second Nobel, in chemistry about her discovery of radioactive polonium and radium, she is the first person to receive two Nobel Prizes, and to date she is the only person to have won two Nobel Prizes in two different fields. That was At a time when the far-right was able to obtain 6 letters between a Korean and a scientist named Paul Langvin, conservative newspapers then published headlines of "romanticism in the lab" to say that Paul Langvin left his wife for Mary, and she blames the Royal Society for accepting her for a woman.
The press incited against Mary as a lewd demon who wants to spread pornography in society, and that was at a time when there was widespread talk of childbearing outside the framework of marriage, treason, and abortion, and it came to the point that people gathered around her house and asked her to leave France, so she and her children who had a trace of her That too, here she asked the Nobel Committee Mary not to come to Stockholm to receive the award, but she refused, saying her personal problems had nothing to do with her scientific achievement, and she had already gone.

If you reflect on Marie Curie's life, you can sum it up under just one title, “A Brief History of Sadness.” Every time things start to calm down a little, until things turn upside down for the worse. Indeed, Mary has faced severe depressive episodes throughout her life, here In this article we get to the point where we ask ourselves: Where did you get that power? It is normal in such cases that a person possesses a degree of despair that is sufficient for him to be silent, settle aside and hide in the shadows of his sorrows, but what happens here?
Be more curious about things
At this point, let us consider Mary’s philosophy in life, as it seems that Mary at a very early stage accepted the status quo that he is standing and going, i.e. she did not try to bow until the wind passed, or avoided all possible sorrow from behind these consecutive strikes, but rather every drop Sadness is possible, but that developed a high ability to "not care" except for only one thing, which is to remember her lessons, working to make every effort to learn, to continue in scientific research, to complete the planned tasks.
Mary transformed her life into a scope for applying positivistic philosophy 7 , influenced by Auguste Conte's ideas, where she accepted nothing but empirical evidence, until the matter permeated her entire life, so when she met Pierre, who had not cooked before, after marriage she acquired a book containing most of the recipes and applied What she learned and consulted her sister until she became adept, and when she gave birth to her first child - Irene who will get a Nobel too to be the second woman - Mary began recording all data of Irene's development day after day as if she too seemed a scientific project!

Mary has transformed everything in her life to be more like scientific issues worth studying, and she has adhered to this approach throughout her life, and it seems that the reason at first was her suspicion of everything in her life that came as a result of the death of her mother and sister, this type of suspicion often develops for a situation of pragmatism and pragmatism, A situation that always drives her to think about a solution before we start digesting situations, a situation that dictates her to continue because there is no other thing ahead of us, says Mary 8 "Life is not easy for any of us. But what will we do? We must have perseverance and above all trust In ourselves. We must believe that we are endowed with something, and that this thing, whatever the price, must be achieved. "
Therefore, Mary will often repeat phrases referring to this philosophy in life, saying in a letter to her brother 9 "The one should not notice what has been done, but what must be done after that", so that she is the first to invent the fashion of the repeated single costume, Not Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder, she always wore those black dresses, and says 10 "I have no dress except for the one I wear every day. If you want to be generous enough to give me one, please be practical and dark so I can wear it from In order to go to the laboratory, "Mary did not care for anything but science.

Corrie is a girl who lost everything, though, Mary recalled her lessons every time the world gave her a kick, she remembered her lessons when she was depressed, when she lost loved ones, when he ate poverty from her health and her dignity, when a man left her loving her because she was poor, when she was a woman in a community.
The science is in it for men, when they accused her in her honor and treated her as a demon in order, when she stood for too long hours to analyze the pitchblende and extract radium until her body eroded from fatigue, every time the only way for Mary to overcome the challenge was to continue resisting because she had no other way All ships are cremated, standing on the shore of the island of reality, nothing behind, while the whole world was in front of them, refusing to exist, it was throughout her life Marie Curie against the world.
If you would like to learn more, check out the following published Books, Wikipedia and brief biographies often don't provide the understanding of an entire magnitude and effort involved for human achievements, we did our best here, thank you for reading!