Today is world teacher’s day. This day is celebrated worldwide every year on 5 October since 1995. This day is also known as ‘International Teacher’s Day.’ The primary purpose of the day is ‘’appreciating, assessing, and improving the educators of the world. This day is celebrated so that teacher’s can fulfill the demands of future generations to make them educated. Teachers play a vital role to make the development of a nation.
This day also celebrated to recognize and celebrate the works of educators, including teachers, researchers and professors worldwide.
A recommendation on the status of teachers was adopted on 5 October 1966, and the recommendation had set standards including initial training, employment, recruitment, working time and condition, and their responsibilities. UNESCO has been celebrating this day as World Teachers day since 5 October 1994. This day is also honored by Educational International (EI), the United Nations Educational and International Labour Organization(ILO). Besides, more than 100 nations celebrated the day every year.
Teaching is an excellent profession in the world. Teachers are the builder of an educated nation. We have learned a lot of things in our lives from our teachers. We are grateful to them. But, sometimes, we don’t remember our respectable teachers. This day reminds us of our teachers. We celebrated this day to recognition of the outstanding contribution of the teachers in the field of education and development.
The theme for the World Teachers Day 2020 is ‘’Teachers: Leading in crisis, Reimagining the Future’’.
There is a Japanese proverb “Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher.”