feminism Brief Analysis of Çoğunluk(2010) Film Based On Feminist Theory I am going to analyze the movie calls Çoğunluk (2010) directed by Seren Yüce in terms of feminist theory, there will be intertwined with the movie and the theory while there will not be theory narrative.
feminism Brief Analysis of Çoğunluk(2010) Film Based On Feminist Theory An analysis of Femine power in the film Cogunluk
film Netflix Movie - The Half Of It : Review The story of Ellie Echu and the jock Paul Munsky are really interesting and definetely a series that make us all god sad and it's really good on different points of views, specifically taking a consideration to people who are still in discrimination because of their sexual orientations.
film Netflix Movie - Miracle in Cell No. 7 : Review Netflix introduces us to "Miracle in Cell No. 7" which is a moving story about the love of a father with an intellectual disability who is wrongly accused of murdering a minor when he didn't.
film How To Understand Silent Cinema From One Scene in 'Hugo' In this article, I will review a scene of the movie Hugo (2011) by Martin Scorsese. I will examine this scene, which starts with the guard's pursuit of Hugo in the train station and ends in the clock tower, in comparison with silent cinema.