About me - Shahin

Hey, how's it going guys? This is Shahin Alam from Bangladesh. I'm currently studying at one of the prominent govt. universities of Bangladesh. My department is Chemistry. It's really honor for me to become an author of this beautiful website.

As I'm from science background student, so I'll surely upload anything based on Science. I will also share my thoughts, stories and ideas. And specially most of my contents will be filled up with interesting matter of Chemistry. I'll always try to bring up some absolute Science on everything in my post. All my posts will be so informative and eye-catching. Each and every post of me will be analyzed deeply before posting. Here's a point to be noted, you guys already know a proverb that "To err is human", so please consider my mistakes if you got at somewhere. And don't forget to let me know your opinions on anything that raised in you.

All of you guys surely know we can't even think of a moment without science. There are multi branches of science. Chemistry is one of the fundamental branches of science. But, do you know Chemistry is also Called “The Central Science”? I'm describing it briefly here about it's importance. So, let's jump into it.

Chemistry is important because everything you do is chemistry.We use chemicals every day and perform chemical reactions without thinking much about them. All matter is made of chemistry, even all of our bodies are made of Chemistry. So, it wouldn't be worse if we say " We all humans are chemists ". Chemistry is a study of matter and its interactions with other matter and energy. Chemistry explains about medicine, environmental issues, cooking, cleaning , industrial issues and almost as everything. Chemistry teaches useful skills. Because it is a science, learning Chemistry means learning how to be objective and how to reason and solve problems.In a nutshell, the importance of Chemistry is that it explains the world around you. It basically interacts with all other branches of science. That's why it's being called "The Central Science".

Even in the present time, The world has been going through a smashing time for pandemic outbreak of Coronavirus where chemists are researching for making a solution of it. So, it's undoubtedly an important subject to talk.  

Alright, so Hope you guys will find my post very interesting and informative always. I will also try to bring authentic references. I will try to help you out to train and open your brain to think of science. So, that's all for now. Wait for my upcoming contents. Till then take care and Be careful. May peace and blessings be upon all of you.