Overweight and Obesity

The terms "overweight" and "obesity" imply a body weight that is much higher than what is considered normal or healthy for certain statures.
Being overweight is usually related to additional body fat.However, overweight can also occur due to excess muscles inside the body, bones or water.People with obesity usually have a lot of body fat, body handle.
Body mass index is one of the well-known ways to determine or know if someone is overweight or healthy, as it is a measure that is based on hair in relation to height and the greater the height may be the risk of developing or causing health problems due to obesity and being overweight.

To maintain a healthy weight and a good setting, it can be a complete long-term challenge if a person is overweight or obese. Maintaining a healthy weight, or at least not gaining more than the weight the person already has or if they are already overweight, can help decrease the chances of developing many health problems.
In the United States, overweight and obesity are common factors as:
- more than 1 in 3 adults were classified as obese individuals
- more than 1 in 3 adults were classified as overweight people and health problems
- more than 2 in 4 adults were classified as overweight and obese individuals at the same time.
In the United States and second to professionals, men are the most likely to be overweight than women, yet there are different groups that classify people who are most likely to be obese, among which stand out: - Among Hispanic adults, 42 out of 100 were already classified as obese people
- Among white adults, 36 out of 100 were classified as obese people.
- Among black adults, 48 out of 100 were classified as people suffering from obesity.

In general, women are the most likely to be obese than men.
Many factors and problems play an important role in determining who is most likely to be obese, and each of the different factors that exist can affect people differently. Each person increases weight considerably by different factors that can cause weight gains in the body and affect the amount of weight the body contains.
When someone consumes a lot more calories that come from drinks or foods than those used in daily life such as sleeping, sitting, or other action that requires calories, the body burns extra calories. Over time, if you continue with the same process, consuming more calories than are actually used, you will gain weight in a short time. Excessive weight gain in people usually causes overweight or obesity.
There are many people who claim that many people suffering from obesity should lose weight, are likely and the forms of new diseases are increased by not losing weight.
- diabetes
- high cholesterol concentrations and low cholesterol concentrations
- high triglyceride concetrations
- pretty high arterial pressure
- Increased waists, more than 40 inches and more than 35 or 37 inches.
In the United States, several students found that 29 states of the country, mainly in the Midwest and the south, the most affected with more than 50% of the population are considered obese.
In the future, in the 50 states of the country, at least 35% or 40% of the population will be obese, according to scientists.