In those ancient times, you had to have faith in something, whether it was a creature, a god, or a king.
This is the case of ancient Egyptian society. They also had this tendency to have a hidden secret that manages life and affairs of people and it is necessary to sanctify it and worship it and offer offerings in order to obtain its satisfaction and grace.
There was a strong belief that there were natural and supernatural forces and that it was these forces that determined the course of life. The Nile’s 3-month flood cycle, the harshness of the desert and the daily sun cycle are attributed to the gods and goddesses. Religion was not a thing that has remained constant throughout 5,000 years of the history of ancient Egypt. Especially after Lower and Upper Egypt united under one pharaoh, then many cultural traditions merged. The ancient Egyptians were not the only culture in existence, which meant a new contact with different people other than their ideas and traditions.
The simplest example of sharing ideas and beliefs is the god (Osiris), as he was merely a local deity in a specific region of ancient Egypt, but after the merger he became a well-known god in all countries and increased the number of his followers and believers in his control as well as tens of gods whose reputation spread in Egypt after sharing and exchanging cultures Among the Egyptians. In addition to the gods, there was a doctrine requiring the worship of pharaohs, kings, and priests. He believed that the king was one of the relatives of the deity and should be worshiped in order to draw closer to the deity and considered a means of linking between the servants and the deity. The kings and priests held a great position in ancient Egypt. He believed that if the king did well and the priests did well, the country would develop. If the state deteriorates, the kings and priests are responsible for this.
In Egypt, there were thousands of religious beliefs, thousands of deities, and thousands of ways of worship alone. Studies conducted on Egyptian religions found more than 2,000 gods who control the conditions of Egypt and the livelihood of their worshipers. Instead of being united under one God and belief, they were divided and divided into several deities.
We do not deny that there were attempts to make one god for all countries and appeared strongly during the reign of King "Akhenaten", but then failed because of the profound faith of several gods. With this deep faith more than 2000 gods appeared and most of them were local and not well-known in Egypt, but some of them were famous at the level of The entire Egyptian community, and we will get to know some of them Through our article.

Amun: was the Creator Deity from which all other gods and goddess came. This patriotic deity rose to the height of popularity when Thebes became the capital instead of Memphis. At a certain stage in Egyptian history, Amun was combined with Ra, the sun god, to become Amun-Ra. Amon Ra was the force behind all existence. It was the god to which the Pharaohs responded, and who provided secrets, winds and fertility.
The reputation of the god Amun spread in the neighboring countries of Egypt, where he became a famous god, especially in Libya and Syria today.
His worship spread due to the fact that the neighboring countries were affected by the Egyptian military and cultural campaigns to them and trade exchange, so Amun became the most famous god and a blurring of the other gods with his strong reputation.

Ra: He was the god of the Sun and the father of all other deities and was one of the most famous deities according to ancient Egyptian society, who were often depicted in ancient art to have a human body but the head of a falcon has been merging between the god "Ra" and the god "Horus" and the sun disk was above His head is an indication that he is the sun god and symbolizes the time of noon where the god Ra rises in the middle of the sky tall. Many temples had Ra either in the form of a statue or a picture.
And there was a legend saying that God "Ra" is present at day time, but at night time he travels under the great Nile and in order for him to return he must cross 12 dozen gates representing 12 hours which is half a day so that in the first half of the day it will be prominent in the sky of Egypt In the second half, traveling under the Nile in order to resist and wrestle with the forces of chaos and darkness represented by a black snake called "phobias", then God Ra fights every day twelve hours and suppresses its dark forces while traveling with his solar boat.

Horus: He was another sun god and king of all deities. At one point, the title of the pharaohs was "Horus the neighborhood" to emphasize that the pharaohs have the right to rule Egypt like Horus, who ruled the various gods. Like Ra, Horus was usually depicted as a hawk. He was also considered one of the five Osirian deities. Osiris, Isis (the parents of Horus), West and Nephthys were the other four. The most famous symbol of Horus was the Eye of Horus, which was a symbol of strength and was also representing Horus as a symbol of goodness and justice and a story spread about him that his uncle the evil god "Set" killed his father the god "Osiris" and cut him into pieces and distributed parts of his body throughout Egypt and then a mother Horus "Isis" collected these pieces and returned his body. And she had sex with him and gave birth to "Horus" in order to take revenge on his father and take his revenge. Indeed, Horus took his father's revenge and killed his uncle, "Set".

Isis: Isis was one of the main widespread gods and is considered one of the first gods who appeared and is considered the mother of the mother and the goddess of fertility and is considered the mother of the pharaohs and kings and she has many drawings on the walls of palaces and graves and she feeds some of the gods at other times and put them in her lap at other times and had characteristics And it has many unique characteristics, it has been said about it: (it is stronger than a thousand gods) and is smarter and has distinct healing capabilities. It has been able to revive the god (Osiris). Indeed the myth of bringing Osiris back to life has been discussed in relation to it. It can be described as a god with 10,000 names
It was called the goddess (wisdom, sky, justice, universe, mother of kings, mother gods, etc.)
She was also worshiped outside Egypt, especially among the Greeks and the Romans. The temple of the god Isis was home to some other gods, such as (Osiris - her husband) (Horus - her son).
And Isis formed a major influence in the emergence of modern paganism and its prominent and long-standing role helped to shape modern paganism.

Seth: He was the god of darkness, evil, vandalism, and chaos. He was not only an opponent of Osiris, killing, cutting, and spreading his organs in Egypt because he was jealous of Osiris and his wife, Isis, who is the sister of Osiris. Isis regrouped Osiris again, giving birth to Horus, who then fought and killed Seth, and this story became widespread in Egypt and its neighboring countries.
Six in times of war was often called for his strength, and in deserts and storms.
When the Hyksos conquered Egypt, they spread their religion in Egypt, and they merged between their god (Baal) and the god (Seth) and became the chief of their gods and called him (Sutkh) until the Egyptian pharaoh (Ahmose) came and expelled the Hyksos from Egypt and separated the Hyksos gods from the god of Egypt.

Anubis: Anubis is another god often depicted in various media and fictional modernity stories; But during the life of the ancient Egyptians Anubis was considered the god of death and embalming and the god of the underworld, a guardian of the tombs and all those buried inside.
But his role as the god of the underworld has been replaced and made god Osiris in place of him as the god of the underworld.
He used to guide the spirits to the underworld and attend the activity of the scale (a myth that says that the heart of the deceased person is placed on a scale using feathers, so if a person's heart is lighter than a feather, he ascends to heavenly existence and lives peacefully with his other life, but if his heart is heavier than a feather, the legendary creature "Amamut" will eat his heart and )
Anubis was also responsible for protecting the dead in the afterlife. Once upon a time, the god of evil and destruction attacked Seth, the body of the god of wisdom and justice, “Osiris.” So Seth turned himself into a tiger and attacked the body of “Osiris.” Anubis attacked Seth, eliminated him, and flattened his skin and wore it In order to warn the aggressors against the souls of the dead in the other world, therefore, they were wearing Pharaoh funeral robes wearing a robe similar to the skin of the tiger in order to protect the lives of the pharaohs from curses and attacks in the land of funerary dead (West Nile).
Anubis was famous in the twentieth and twenty-first century, especially in movies and video games. The writers and game makers made Anubis an evil and cruel and wanted to destroy the world and give him a terrible and evil army, but Anubis was the exact opposite. He was a just god and protector of the bodies of the dead and their lives in the other life. He was not evil at all.