I completed a large portion of my family tree. The tools I found on Ancestry that helped the most were the European Records which I paid for. The Europeans kept very detailed records of emigration during the immigrant rush during the first 100 years of America’s founding.

My O’Reilly/Reilly ancestor (Thomas O’Reilly) of my Grandma Catherine’s Grandfathers emigrated from Liverpool. He was born in Ireland and took a ship in 1856 across the Atlantic. In New York he shortened his name to Reilly. This ship is quite small and amazing for 1856:
My Lambrechts’ ancestor (Hubert Christian Lambrechts) my Grandpa Herbert Lambrechts’ Dad left Liverpool a little later in 1910. He was born in Belgium near Antwerp. Grandpa Herb’s mom Victoria Framberg, emigrated from Ekeby, Sweden in 1912. They met in the Swedish immigrant neighborhood in Andersonville/Rogers Park Chicago.
My Howard ancestors on my Mom’s side were around in America since before the founding. A birth on the Howard tree dates back to 1718 in New Kent, Nansemond, Virginia They were early settlers and were quite nomadic moving from Virginia, North Carolina and Missouri.
My Austrheim ancestor’s I haven’t found much but I know they are from Norway, there is a town in Norway called Austrheim.
View the Full Lambrechts, Reilly, Howard, Austrheim Tree Here