Is Music a Cure For Cancer?

According to a recent German study, music was found to reduce pain by 50%. That was after that scientists at the Max Planck Center for Cognitive and Neurosciences in Germany developed the Gym in Mathematical Musical System, which emits different musical notes that match the pace of the athlete's movement. the scientists concluded that this method of carrying out exercises reduces the intensity of pain after 10 minutes of training by 50% as a maximum, and the reason for this is that music dramatically affects the nervous system and the circulatory system of the human being, as it has excellent effectiveness in stimulating the secretion of compounds a natural called endorphins is similar in structure to the anti-pain drug morphine.[1]

But the question is, does music cure cancer?


In research conducted in Taiwan, it was found that listening to music at home can relieve the pain and feeling of fatigue of cancer patients, and reduce disease symptoms such as loss of appetite and difficulty concentrating. Researchers in the European Journal of Cancer Care said that the side effects of cancer were "significantly" reduced in patients with cancer. Boobs Listen to music for 30 minutes five times a week over 24 weeks! and according to the patients, the pain caused by cancer was reduced as a result of preoccupation with listening to music that distracted them from negative thoughts.

The researchers studied the cases of sixty breast cancer patients, who chose half of them randomly to listen to music at home. The research team provided them with MP3 players and a range of classical and hall music, folk, Taiwanese and religious music to choose from. Before the patients underwent surgery and after 6, 12 and 24 weeks of listening to music, they began assessing the severity of 25 physical performances on a five-point scale. They also rated five categories of fatigue on another five-point scale and their level of pain on a scale of 100.

The result was amazing, as the average severity of symptoms among the patients after they listened to music decreased by five points during the first six weeks, then decreased by seven points during 12 weeks, then about nine degrees after 24 weeks, and the feeling of pain and general fatigue decreased.


How does music help?

According to the researchers in the same study, the reason for improving women who listened to music is that music stimulates hormones endorphins, dopamine and serotonin in the brain, which leads to feelings of improvement, feelings of happiness and positive, and distracts you from thinking negatively, which you can sense yourself.

And it does not stop at this only, the researchers added that music could affect the functions of the heart, blood vessels, respiratory system, muscular system, skeleton, nervous system, and metabolic system, and alleviate muscle tension and pain, and listening to music while playing sports, for example, increases your activity Physical and motivates you to move forward.


Methods of treatment

People who practice music therapy are skilled musicians with an in-depth knowledge of all aspects of music and how it elicits different emotional responses that stimulate people and help them heal. Musical therapy based on the patient's needs, in a way that helps him achieve his therapeutic goals, whether by playing, listening to music, or even composing it.

Music therapist Holly Chartrand says in this regard: You must realize that you are using it to support others, to see how it affects the sick person, technology gives us access to all types of music without effort, which enhanced simply trying music therapy more than before.[2]


Beethoven, the musician doctor

Who among us has not heard of Beethoven and has not heard of the masterpieces of his music, but have you ever heard that Beethoven had lost his hearing at the age of twenty-seven, but this did not deter him from continuing to play. For information also, Beethoven was suffering from bilateral disorder. The pole that was making him swing like a pendulum between states of depression and joy!

But what does Beethoven have to do with music therapy? As I said, he used to go through many cases of mood swings. He was happy at times and despaired at other times, and this is evident in the fluctuations that we hear in his music. which helped to use it extensively in music therapy because it pushes a group of complex feelings to appear. These feelings are associated with memories that work to release the hormone oxytocin, which reduces feelings of tension and anxiety and increases the ability to sleep well.


Finally, Someone says about music: "If I wanted to compare a female to a musical instrument, I would have chosen the violin. She has a waist, a neck, two eyes, and the buttocks, and she twists the necks of men whenever I interact with them.", so no wonder music is a treatment method!


[1]ncbi, (Feb 11 2014),"The Effect of Music on the Human Stress Response",retrieved(Nov 7 2020) ,

[2]heart strings foundation (Jan 15 2020) , "How Music Can Help You Heal",retrieved(Nov 7 2020),

[3]pbs , (Dec 17 2019) , "What caused Beethoven's deafness? " ,retrieved(Nov 7 2020) ,