The wars that the world went through were very tragic for human beings. Mankind lost millions of people due to unnecessary wars, so every warring country used the largest weapon that could be confronted, which is science, because science is very dangerous if it reaches the hand of those who do not deserve it.
So why is science found?
Science is what makes our life easier and makes understanding the earth and the surrounding environment better so that man understands his nature and finds solutions to many problems that a person may face or may threaten his life. This is the reason for the existence of science, so science should not be used in a negative way because it is contrary to the basic goal of science.

Before we start the basic question, "How did the great wars contribute to the development of science?" We must first ask:
How science contributed to the success of the great wars?
Wars have worked to use science as a tool to defeat the adversary and inflict human and material losses in it, making science who owns it to change the course of the war in his favor, like the Second World War, the victory was for the one who possessed the flag, so he invented the most dangerous weapon on the face of the earth that that was so the United States of America used weapons against Japan in The war and the first appearance of the weapon in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was the end of the war and the inventor of the weapon was the scientist "Robert Oppenheimer", who showed remorse after the invention of the bomb, so he said:
"We knew that the world would change. Some laughed and others cried. But most people remained silent. I remembered a phrase from the sacred Hindu book (Bhagavad Gita): Vishnu tries to convince the prince of the necessity to fulfill his duty, and to impress him, he takes the form of a multi-arms and says: {I have now become an embodiment}. To death and the destroyer of worlds. ”I suppose that this idea occurred to all of us, in one way or another ... according to a simple logic that can not be eliminated by any vulgarity, humor or exaggeration. Physicists have always made mistakes and cannot ignore this fact". [1]

But Robert's goal of the invention was to end the war in a way even if he used the hard way, but after the war, when he saw the destructive power of his invention encouraging to impose international control on nuclear bombs, he stood against any attempt to develop nuclear bombs, and for this his security license was withdrawn by a suggestion from political parties, so he returned and focused On his research.

How did the great wars contribute to the development of science?
You may think that the answer to this question is similar to the answer to the question before it, but it is somewhat different. Wars have greatly helped the development of science more than any previous situation, and the development included many scientific fields, so what these fields are.
- The medical field
The wars greatly contributed to the development of the medical field. Countries needed doctors and nurses to treat the wounded and the injured, so the injuries varied between amputations and deformities, in addition to the Spanish flu and other types of diseases.
During the war, the method of anesthesia was developed, the infection caused by wounds was reduced, and the blood transfusion process was developed to feed the body of those who were bleeding or losing a lot of blood.

The treatment using radioactive materials was also invented, and this treatment appeared after the use of nuclear energy in the Second World War, and this invention contributed greatly to the treatment of many intractable diseases.

- Field of military defense
Where the radar was invented to detect objects entering the air cover of countries and this contributed to reducing the impact of wars or to reduce human losses, and this invention contributed to the discovery of microwave waves and the invention of the microwave oven.

- Space invasion field
After the Second World War, exploration trips began, and in 1957 the Soviets sent the first satellite to orbit the earth, and in 1962 space flights were sent to the moon as part of the Apollo program to explore the moon, so major countries such as Russia and China traveled in this direction, and international cooperation was made to send the international space station to orbit Around the Earth's atmosphere, which helped to discover the earth more and to discover more galaxies and planets.

"The first targets of the space race were military, but their goals were diverted to serve civilians on the ground."

- Internet
This was due to the idea of an easier way to communicate with the forces, so protocols were developed to allow computers to communicate with each other faster.

These achievements were definitely thanks to wars, but this does not justify the outbreak of wars. As I mentioned earlier, knowledge is higher than that of accepting wars.
Thanks for reading!
[1]Lori Fazkoz , (15/07/2016),"6 scientists regret their invention!" Retrieved: (15/9/2020)
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