Introduction of TEVTA
Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority-the largest skill provider in the province of Punjab, Pakistan- with more than four hundred institutes in Punjab is providing knowledge, skills, and training to the meagerly educated and financially stressed youth in every nook and corner of Punjab with minimal or no fee equipping them to make a living and make a difference not only in their lives but also in the lives of those they care. P-TEVTA has made big strides and won accolades nationally and internationally under the leadership of its Chairperson,:
Mr. Ali Salman Siddique
A graduate from England with unflinching determination and invincible grit to serve his motherland by introducing revolutionary steps like introducing Sector Skill Council, perks and privileges for placement cell, and landmark policies of promotion, whistleblowing, and open door. Given the immense commitment, profound dedication, and incessant hard work of Mr. Ali Salman Siddique, it is by no means unthinkable that TEVTA would not only become a leading skill provider in Gulf countries but also in UK, Europe and America. He has deposited his trust in the abilities and capabilities of all engineers who have the potential to translate his vision into reality.
Role of engineers in TEVTA
P-TEVTA engineers are convinced to the backbone that it is the technical hand that has the capacity to emancipate Pakistan from financial woes which have become the bane of existence of Pakistan. As the demand for trained workforce is at a premium in Gulf countries and Europe, P-TEVTA engineers are the human resource that has been shouldered with the vital responsibility to train the youth in accordance with international standards.
TEVTA engineers had pledged their unbridled support to this sublime and laudable cause in the past and are far more committed now to transform these young aspiring engineers into professionals with skills ready for the job.
They are quite cognizant of the fact that the destiny of Pakistan in general and Punjab in particular rests in their hands. They are dedicated to introducing innovative techniques in TEVTA to meet all the latest challenges in order to make youth independent, self-reliant and job creators instead of job seekers. It can be said with iron-clad conviction that TEVTA engineers are bound to stand TEVTA in good stead and would produce an enviable skilled workforce which would illuminate its image globally by showing Pakistan’s true face-a peaceful and loving nation. However, Despite the unwavering dedication and steadfast commitment, TEVTA engineers are still bereft of Technical allowance.
Are TEVTA Engineers the children of a lesser God?
It was pledged by the government of Punjab that Technical Allowance would be granted to all the engineers offering their services in any government department of Punjab irrespective of the nature of the organization. All other departments including WAPDA, WASA, have gotten Technical Allowance approved for their employees but TEVTA is an aberration-a deviation stoking the feelings of frustration and disappointment among TEVTA engineers who are compelled to think that they are the children of a less God. These engineers are disillusioned for being bereft of their legitimate right and deem this debarment reprehensible, injudicious, and in utter defiance of rights of TEVTA engineers and common decency. Albeit, chairperson TEVTA, Mr. Ali Salman Siddique, has pledged his much-need support for the approval of Technical Allowance and has bravely and boldly furthered the cause to the quarters concerned, approval still seems a distant dream shrouded in the clouds of uncertainty.
Are TEVTA engineers merely teachers?
Some people in the corridors of power and at the helm of affairs argue that TEVTA engineers are merely teachers who deliver their lectures to the students and that is that. They do not need Technical Allowance as they themselves are not involved in any technical activity. With more than due respect, I beg to differ and am convinced otherwise. The logic that TEVTA engineers are not entitled to receive Technical Allowance but those trained by the them in DAE or other technologies who pursue their career in engineering and start serving the country in WAPDA, WASA, or any other government department are entitled to the same Technical Allowance does not seem to hold water. TEVTA engineers are fearful that this logic can be used to exploit them and must be logically countered to show that imparting technical education to these who are going to take the reins of technical development in the country in the days to come is far more pivotal task and the destiny of the country is in the hands of these engineers. All the TEVTA engineers are hopeful that these illogical misgivings would be annihilated and they would come off with flying colors by getting Technical Allowance approved.
What would approval of Technical Allowance do?
TEVTA engineers who are being treated as if they were not imparting technical education have been feeling dejected and demotivated. After the approval of Technical Allowance, all the feelings of depression, frustration, and acrimony would give way to a motivation that would not only enhance their satisfaction level but also the commitment with which they bestow youth with technical skills, the enthusiasm towards their official assignments, eagerness to introduce innovation, and dedication which is a hallmark of their service. Consequently, this satisfaction of TEVTA engineers would be reflected in the form of trained workforce which would explore new techniques and take the country by storm by making the country independent and self-reliant.
It is no secret that Pakistan has not made big strides in the field of technology despite the emphasis by Founder of the Nation, Muhammad Ali Jinnah on technical and vocational education. It is utterly mandatory to make the young and enthusiastic engineers an entrenched part of TEVTA in order to train the youth so that they are enabled to play their part towards making Pakistan a developed country. It can be made possible only if the engineers are given attractive perks and privileges for them to stay in TEVTA and serve the country in the best way possible. If the prerogatives of other government departments outweigh those of TEVTA, it would create a talent and skill drain leading towards the disastrous consequences: It would become arduous to train ample youth for demand-driven courses; Standard of technical training would take a hit for the worst; Rate of employment would nosedive; Failure of trainees would skyrocket; Professional grooming of trainees would be at the lowest ebb; and image of Pakistan in foreign countries would be tarnished owing to lack of skills and knowledge.

Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) supports TEVTA engineers.
Pakistan Engineering Council, apex engineering body in Pakistan, has thrown its weight behind the legitimate and just struggle of engineers for the approval of Technical Allowance. Chairman PEC, Engr. Jawed Saleem Qureshi, a man studded with firsts and blues, has weighed the cause of TEVTA engineers in the balance and not found wanting as he is well-aware of the sentiments of TEVTA engineers who are of the view that delay in approval of Technical Allowance is a travesty of Justice. He has urged the government of Punjab to accord Technical Allowance to TEVTA engineers in order to inculcate a sense of ownership and confidence in them. Engineering fraternity of TEVTA is thoroughly imbued with respect for chairperson PEC, Engr. Jawed Saleem Qureshi’s unshakable support at this critical juncture. TEVTA engineers are sanguine that this invaluable support would bring them even closer to achieving their goal-Technical Allowance.
Given the dedication of TEVTA engineers in discharging their duties to train the unskilled youth of Punjab, it seems a gross miscarriage of justice not to approve Technical Allowance for TEVTA engineers who nurse a lingering hope that government of Punjab would delve deep into the matter and accord approval of Technical Allowance in favor of TEVTA engineers. It goes without saying that TEVTA engineers would discharge their duties with more indomitable zest and invincible determination to the satisfaction of their conscience and seniors after Technical Allowance is approved for them to allay their disappointment and depression. TEVTA engineers firmly believe that their concerted efforts and relentless struggle would prove fruitful and they would get the approval of Technical Allowance with the help of their Chairperson, Mr. Ali Salman Siddique-a leading advocate of approval of Technical Allowance for TEVTA engineers- in the days to come.