The art of poisoning the minds of the masses

The dirty trick of the 6 major media corporations is to poison the minds of the masses.

pressed minds to establish an idea in the minds of the masses, and this method affects not only an individual or a tribe, but an entire country and is considered the latest in modern media methods to influence the audience. Those who wanted to influence the people of a particular country must study their culture and its nature to know points The strength and weakness of this people puts pressure on their weaknesses and avoids their strengths.

These Poisoners work on a malicious trick as they seek to defame a symbol or a famous flag or a country and then they start spreading false news and say about it (dangerous leaks) (urgent and dangerous) (secret report) to other bright and attractive titles to the public and gradually increase the promotion of these lies until they become Reality in the public eye.

After this dangerous step, the viewer is imagined that he discovered dangerous secrets, reviewing his accounts and information that he had taken for granted, and replacing them with those false secrets, and he becomes a fact that he has no doubts about, and this symbol or science becomes always connected to the viewer's mind and the public with bad news.

His tools:-


❷.written and written media.

❸.Social Media.

❹.Tribunes and lectures.

❺.Councils run by one person.

And much, much more

Note:-Poisoning of minds.

Part of psychological warfare.

Or psychological processes.

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