Preparing a personal file :-
The first steps in looking for a good job are preparing a personal file, including preparing a CV, university degree, and applying for the job in question. It is preferable to scan these documents via a computer to send them electronically to the employer immediately after announcing a vacancy and creating an email account To be contacted through or through the phone number, to arrange for the interviews, so that this information is detailed and brief. Creating a CV with many skills, courses, and experience related to the job being offered is an enabler for finding a job.

Developing personal skills :-
Having a set of personal or employment skills involves increasing opportunities to get a job, including:
Communication and communication skills: He is a good speaker, and has the ability to communicate well in face-to-face, whether by writing or phone.
1.Teamwork skill: This is demonstrated by the ability to work and interact with colleagues from the same business or external clients.

2.Problem Solving Skill: Includes the ability to find the appropriate solution to a problem, as well as the ability to organize a logical sequence of things to discover.

3.Entrepreneurial and Entrepreneurial Skill: Reflects the ability to make improvements in the way business is done, to be appropriate to the final image.

4.Planning and organizing skill: Includes the ability to set a specific course of work within a specified date and quality; To achieve the deadlines.

5.Self-management skill: This skill involves the ability to do the work on its own without the need to check by another person, as well as take responsibility for the workflow within the specified dates, and the ability to delegate the right people to complete the tasks.

6.Learning skill: It includes the ability to learn new things by doing, and the desire to understand all that is new.

7.Technical skills: It is the ability to use a computer and work on its necessary programs for the workflow, in addition to knowing how to work on other technical accessories such as photocopiers and others.

Self-promotion :-
A person can attract employers to him instead of looking for them, as the person can promote himself for free on some classified ads sites under the title "Work Wanted", and other methods of self-advertising include creating a simple, low website The cost around itself, or creating eye-catching cards in stores or libraries, which are after asking them for permission.
Searching through knowledge networks :-
is intended to target family members, friends, and other acquaintances, as each of these possesses a network of knowledge that is a way to access work information, in a way that may help present the individual to their bosses by work, along with making sure to try to attend professional exhibitions. , Attractive and professional appearing, getting to know the people present and trying to get work through them.
Activating social relationships :-
a person should remain active, and employ social relationships in the search for a job, and that is by building and strengthening relationships with people in the target work area and organizations associated with it, where many people find opportunities to work through oral speech, and the person can develop Strategic relationships by taking membership in the relevant professional association, joining and actively participating in relevant forums or discussions on the Internet, or volunteering for relevant organizations.
Searching the Internet :-
Doing research online helps you find work opportunities, and there are several ways to do this, including :-
A.Job search sites: they are specialized sites that contain job postings, and they are considered one of the easy steps to search for a job, as using them does not require the individual more than choosing the name of the job or specializing and starting the search, and it is also possible to further customize the search by specifying Its time to be partial or complete, or define the work area.

B.Creating a personal profile: Professional sites provide an opportunity to download the CVs of individuals looking for work, and thus an opportunity for these profiles to appear in front of employers, so it is advised to create a personal profile on more than one site from them; To increase the chance of a resume, and thus to receive more job alerts, and increase the chances of getting a job.

C.Governmental job sites: The job seeker can create a profile on government websites in order to obtain information about jobs available in the government sector, in addition to that, advertisements for vacant non-governmental jobs may be available on some sites.

Using the company's websites on the Internet :-
The idea of searching for a job opportunity on the website of a company on the Internet seems to be a suitable idea in the event that the person has a specific orientation for a specific company that he wants to work in. The companies that he wants to work for, then visit their websites regularly, which may take a long time, but it is a viable option in most cases if the person is looking for a dream job in a company and not others.
Social media :-
Social Media can be used to obtain jobs, so a professional profile can be created that can be shared with employers, and among these sites: LinkedIn, where the principle of its work is to create a professional profile, for employers to enter the site and get to know the job providers, Or you can use Twitter, as it can be used to search for jobs by using hashtags, such as jobs.
Employment companies :-
Employment companies that are interested in searching for employees join the list of means by which to find work, as such companies provide information related to available job vacancies, which makes them an effective option that can be addressed, and such companies may help job seekers in simplifying Their research circle; Therefore, the individual must verify the college in which he is studying to find out whether it provides free employment services in the event that he is a university student, or a new graduate.
Professional newspapers and magazines :-
Professional newspapers and magazines are a common and traditional way to search for jobs, and many companies still publish their ads related to vacancies in such means despite the prevalence of publishing online, and to obtain better results in the search, it is good to focus on searching in Sections related to the field of the individual job seeker.
Volunteering :-
makes it easier to find an opportunity to volunteer unlike finding an opportunity for training, and volunteering helps to increase job opportunities, especially in the absence of expertise in the required field, and helps to develop skills of commitment to work, initiative, and the acquisition of work ethics required by companies; Such as self-confidence, time management, communication and flexibility, and when looking for volunteer work, it is taken into account that it is related to the job to be filled in the future; For example, volunteering in schools if they want to work with children, for example.
Creating a list of companies :-
The creation of a list of companies in which the individual wants to work helps facilitate the seizure of this opportunity when there are vacancies, and that is through conducting the necessary research on the group of desired companies and potential employers, and obtaining detailed information about them through the Internet, after which it is possible Subscribe to the email service, or similar services on the job search applications; To obtain notifications regarding the availability of jobs in these companies immediately after their publication.
Reading the job description :-

needs to read the job description for the jobs that are submitted for a long time, but it saves time in the long run, as it helps not to waste time in applying for jobs that are not suitable for the person, and to apply for jobs after making sure that he possesses the necessary capabilities to complete them , And willingness to explain how to use personal skills and abilities to obtain available jobs, explains Paul Sandusky, vice president of talent acquisition and development for a global software company; Some companies have mandatory requirements for appointing their employees that may not overlook their unavailability; Such as a specific university degree, or specific work experience, or others.
Equipment when attending the interview :-
There are some equipment that can be used when attending the interview, which is :-
Review the content of the CV and the information it contains, with a simple search on the Internet about the company that he will apply for, so that the applicant learns about the company’s privileges.
Practice potential interview questions, knowing that the questions are usually technical questions, and questions related to the Human Resources Department.
Wear well-proportioned corporate workwear, as a smart suit for men.
Sending a thank-you message after completing the interview, it is a way to show appreciation for consideration of the sent CV, as well as a way to show any skill or experience that has not been talked about.
Avoid talking badly about your previous employer.
Storytelling that went with the job provider, as it is a good way to share experiences and skills
Tips when looking for a job :-
One of the things to consider when looking for a job is what comes next :-
A.Salary: When searching for a job, it is preferable to choose the appropriate wage that corresponds to the needs of the individual, and to compare this wage with other companies that provide an incentive to pay.

B.Work location: It is preferable when choosing a job that its location is compatible with the location of the individual's presence and livelihood, because the way to move to work should be taken into account using public transportation, or by personal transport.

C.The possibility of promotion in the job title: It is preferable to choose a job that allows the possibility to upgrade and advance the individual in the job, and the possibility of exploiting the personal administrative skills that the individual possesses in developing the job that he will obtain.
D.The nature of the work: It is preferable to search for detailed information about the work, in terms of the amount of independence that the individual will gain, and whether he will be subject to full supervision of his work, or subject to partial supervision, or will be responsible for specific matters.
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