culture The Story Behind the Anonymous Mask Today we will take a sneak peek behind the history of the anonymous mask, which has been a topic of hot interest among youngsters for decades.
digital art Digital Art vs. Traditional Art I’ll go over some of the advantages and disadvantages of digital art and I’ll keep it simple so that you can have a basic understanding of how different is digital art and what is benefits of it.
civilization The Oldest Man Made Place on Earth: Göbekli Tepe Before discovery of Göbekli Tepe, Stonehenge was believed to be the oldest man made place of worship. But Göbekli Tepe is 12,000 years old, which makes it not just
culture Jesus in Quran In the Quran, there is an entire chapter named after Mary(Maryam), the only chapter named after a female figure. Also in the chapter Al-Imran(3), the Quran tells about the family of Mary.
music 5 Tips for Better Improvising The most crucial mistake in improvisation is trying to playing every single note like you will never have the chance to play them again. Just keep it simple and start with 3 or 4 notes or even just 2 notes.
culture The Kurds: The Largest Stateless Nation in the World Everyone recognizes them from news, social media etc. but do you really know them? They always are mentioned with war, grief and inequity. Some think they are heroes some think they are terrorists.
ottoman Rise of the Ottoman Empire One of the greatest Islamic empires, ruled over 3 continents, established and enhanced the culture that is renowned today in Islamic countries. The Ottoman Empire founded in 1299 by Osman Gazi who known as the ancestor of Ottoman Dynasty.