society Speaking in Tongues in Our Contemporary Society The origin of speaking in tongues can be traced back to the biblical book of Acts of the Apostle. It was a gift given to an individual for missionary work.
Africa Response of Africans to Covid-19 Vaccines Covid-19 vaccines are now being discovered. Will the Africans accept it? What about the Nigerians?
Woman Marriage an Institution in African Society Woman marriage is an institution that has been with Africa since the formation of society and its still in practice in some Africa societies.
endsars Police Brutality a Global Pandemic: The Nigeria Story The rising cases of Police brutality is a an alarming issue all around the world. Recently Nigeria has fallen victim of such cases.
Africa Thoughts On African Security Africa's security can be analyzed from three perspectives, which are Realism, Globalism, and Regionalism. These three perspectives are the best way to critically examine the African state's security policies.