From the first moments for starting popular movement in 2011 which paved of the Syrian revolution, Abdul Basit Sarout left his goal and his game which he love , and he joined with demonstrations to lead thousands of crowds by his revolutionary songs
He took up arms during the siege of his hometown of Homs, then he completed the military track until his departure.
Abdul basit sarout was born in 1992 in Syrian city of Homs ,which is famous for the capital of the revolution.
Before outbreak the revolution Al Sarout was goalkeeper for the youth category at al Karama club for football and it is one of the oldest Syrian clubs.
His voice led thousands of honest songs which demanded freedom and dignity and deep love for Syria homeland.
To become within little weeks one of the symbols the Syrian revolution
Al Sarout spent his childhood between school and football practice a childhood friend and teammate said, "His father constantly admonished him for playing football he said Sarout was banned from going to the matches before he joined the club , but he would escape and go anyway when he was a teenager" , Sarout's father insisted he worked alongside him in the construction sector but he refused and kept in playing football.
Hadi Albdallah a prominent Syrian activist who is also close to Al-Sarout's family , said the singer's world turned upside down when the Assad government crushed the peaceful protests he helped lead in 2011. Drawing from his local popularity Al-Sarout himself then started forming a local militia
Sarout was among the first to defend his family's neighbourhood, Al Bayyadah and formed a battalion called the Al Bayyadah martyrs.
"Hadi said" four of his brothers were fighting with him on the same battalion
All four of those brothers and many of Al-Sarout's friends died in the war.
In 2014 he was forced to move out of Homs as evil government forces retook control.
After leaving his city Homs to the north of Syria, he continued his armed struggle against the Syrian regime and its Russian and Iranian allies , where he joined the Free Syrian Army and defended with his friends 3 millions civilians in the free area of Syria within the borders of Syria.
On Saturday 8th June 2019 after fighting many battles Al-Sarout died of his wounds after fighting against Syrian regime and its allies , when he was wounded while trying to rescue his fellow fighters that is when an artillery shell hit him . He suffered an injury in an already wounded leg ,and that eventually killed him.
The Aisha mosqe in Idlib Governorate on Sunday resonates with words of Abdul Basit Sarout A Syrian footballer turned revolutionary song-writer and rebel, as gun- toting fighters and civilians bid farewell to their icon .
Thousands of people participated in his funeral!

Shrouded in white , the body of Al Sarout who died at 27 ,was carried on the shoulders of his fans.
In mourning , some tried to touch his lifeless face while others held out their arms to take photographs .
At his funeral, his supporters recited one of his most famous slogans , one that has become the anthem for anti- Assad Syrians.
"Jannah Jannah Jannah ya watanna ya watan ya hnien ya bo galben tayeb hatta narak Jannah " , they chanted which translates to heaven heaven heaven our homeland you are heaven . Big -hearted homeland even your hell is heaven.
-Thank you for Listening, this was sent to me by Ali a young Free Syrian Fighter.